Todays cameos are of HotPixe7 (left) and TylertheDemonWolf (right) on FA! Keep an eye on my Twitter and FA Journal for more cameo opportunities 🙂
And Evon’s back, thanks for the patience everyone 🙂 Also, to answer a question that’s been asked a few times, sorry about the lack of new incentives, I haven’t had a lot to time to work on fun stuff that[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Two treats to announce today! The first bit of news is that there’s a new piece of fan art by Celestial Feliness is up for everyone to see! Go take a look at it in the Fan Art section! And second[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
It just goes to show you that you never know what a lady is hiding up her skirt…. Also, had to go way back in the archives to find that little knife again! Annnnd new incentive is up! This[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Thanks for all the well wishes guys! Once I started feeling better I dusted myself off and got going on todays update 🙂 No new incentive for today, but you all don’t mind voting anyway, do ya? ^_^ I’ll definitely[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
There’s a special place in this comic for jerks that go out of windows… 😉 And a freshly colored Freya is here to wish you all a happy weekend! UPDATE 6/15: Got pulled into a BBQ this Sunday and[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Up a little later than I had planned, but here’s the new page! And todays incentive is the first page of a mini comic that I’m working on, enjoy!
Evon should also know by now that she can’t get anything pass Hero 🙂 Todays incentive is the second page of my mini comic!