“I can have any female that I want? Then if that’s the case can I get rid of any female that I don’t want?” “Of course you can, my dear Herodotus.”
Hero smiles and staring into Cleo’s eyes says, “If that’s the case, get out of my home and never return you horrible female.”
I have a feeling if that dumb feline doesn’t shut her trap, Hero is gonna Snap, I think we have all seen Hero has a long fuse..but at the end of the day its attached to a Really big ass bomb.
At least Evon has demonstrated that she’s a caring individual that can think and act past her own immediate wants and desires, unlike a certain bitch-kitteh that has seen more traffic and had more people put into her dock than the Norfolk shipyards. Wondering if Hero will turn one of those bottles into a +5 Implement of Indignant Ho Clobberin’…
“That plain little peasant girl” has her own castle — or manor, if that’s what it would be called. (Hm, maybe pack up and move the valuable stuff there?)
Peasant girl? Plain? Can’t wait to see her face, when someone (Hero?) tells her that Evon is nobility with an own castle and a potentially powerfull mage on top.
On the other hand, i’m not sure if it would be wise to tell her. But it would be so satisfying.
I have a feeling that he’s going to correct her and say, “Actually…. She’s a noble of (insert name here). So be quiet about the insults because you CAN be replaced.” And I could so see her jaw drop in shock while trying to figure out if the fact was true or not and how to get rid of the competition.
Love how everyone always makes a certain lioness out to be the villainess: remember, at least she’s sticking with the plans her family AND Hiro’s made…Hiro’s the one who keeps running off to play adventurer…two sides to every story folks. 🙂
yeah what NarcanGoat said.. and in that day and age Everyone had a little cheek on the side.. marriage was just a business. true love was just for the peasants. my problem with her is shes running the business/ manor without the KEYS first… id tell her to get out an come back when you learned some manners.. told my partner (( then girlfriend )) my house my rules,, until we are married, then ” your house your rules”
She doesn’t love Hero one bit and knows Hero doesn’t love her. She has no intentions towards marital fidelity and doesn’t give a toss if Hero does. She can call off the wedding without losing face, at any time, but would rather have the status of being Hero’s Lady. It is not without reason she’s seen as the villain. Though I’d tag her more as an antagonist – not evil or actively malicious, but definitely working against the protagonists.
If you read my comment, you’ll notice that I didn’t peg her as a villainess. I pegged her as someone that Hero doesn’t want in his life and who he finds frustrating/annoying.
Technically Evon has a castle, land and servents. Even if they were loyal to a psycho cousin. Which makes Evon a noble. So Cleo should shut it before Hero removes his title and leaves with his people to Evon’s land.
she may be quite the bitch but i do agree with NarcanGoat.
she is the only one honoring the marriage her family and Hero’s family made and if Hero were to back out of the marriage it would be an insult to the king (even if Evon is of nobility and could be considered for marriage.)
at least Cleo is trying to have someone that is close friends with Hero be his best man, and even being fine with him keeping Evon on the side, despite her harsh wording.
I think at best, Cleo is just trying to play cards she thinks will cement her position. She likely doesn’t give one wet damn about Hero any more than Hero gives a damn about her. the only thing Cleo cares about at this point is, in order, 1. pleasing her father 2. the personal power she might gain from this arrangment herself 3. keeping proper decorum so that no one (particularly herself) ends up being disgraced.
I think Cleo does care for Hero, look back at Chapter 6 and Cleo runs in to hug Hero once she’s heard he returned home. Then look at Chapter 7 and see them as children, she has a child-like smile when nuzzling him that says ‘We’re gonna get married and have kids and live in a beautiful castle and have parties all day and it’ll be perfect and everything!’
This is a woman who grew up in High Society, enjoys it, and knows how to play the game within it. She may have a caustic attitude, but that doesn’t mean she can’t love someone. She even proves it to a point in this comic. “You’re upset because you have feelings for someone else? FINE! Keep her and let her warm your bed whenever you like. Have her suck you off for breakfast if she wants to. But we’ve been engaged since we were little, and I don’t want to insult my father OR destroy your father’s legacy by putting off our marriage any longer.”
She cares for Hero, in her own way. It may not be in the traditional sense like we’d know it, but it’s there. I’m not saying she’s a saint, but she obviously cares about him.
Just have to look at the reasons why she is, literally, the only one wanting to honour some deal made, by people long dead, before either of them were old enough to be crawling
Then there is the “small” matter of Evee. If there is to be a triad, Evon/ Evee + Hero is better from the fannish point of view, but the kitteh won’t be happy about at all
… And we should care what the needy kitten wants because of…? I mean, both Evon and Evee can hand her her head… hand her head to her… kick her ass into next week, let’s go with that. Not to mention that since Evon is a noble, Evee, as her clone, is as well. Even if only technically due to lack of birth certificate or whatever so that can’t be verified.
Since when does schoolyard bullying matter in adult political machinations? ‘I can beat you up, so I matter more’? I’m sure Hero could easily kill the King of the Pridelands, but that wouldn’t make it right to do so. Even his attack on other nobles has the possible ramifications of punishment, Hero said so himself back in Chapter 6.
Heh, wouldn’t be surprised if Belvidere (or what ever his name is) was also of noble blood (plenty of nobles went to work for nobles of higher standing, specially if they were friends first)
For somereason I have a feeling that Hero might run out of patience and as a result cancel the mariage, rejecting Cleo and thus insulting his liege lord – just because he cannot stand it any longer. as a result he would end up being an outcast and likely having to stay at Evon’s castle after severing his ties to his country.
At least Hero isn’t the type to think of going through with the marriage and then causing the death of Cleo and her father so that he ends up with control of the whole of the land and power.
Arranged marriages are usually the way two families that are weak to merge and become stronger, Hero’s land and people are already strong so he does not need the marriage to stragthin his land, and she will take over all of it and run fight over him to get all his wealth!
Hero should really just have the butler find some proof that cleo was cheating on him, in that day and age that should be more then enough to cancel the wedding (yes the butler would find it, his a badass)
“I can have any female that I want? Then if that’s the case can I get rid of any female that I don’t want?” “Of course you can, my dear Herodotus.”
Hero smiles and staring into Cleo’s eyes says, “If that’s the case, get out of my home and never return you horrible female.”
If she could make your comment into a fan comic strip that isn’t cannon but still on the level of detail as the comic I would be very happy 🙂
I have a feeling if that dumb feline doesn’t shut her trap, Hero is gonna Snap, I think we have all seen Hero has a long fuse..but at the end of the day its attached to a Really big ass bomb.
At least Evon has demonstrated that she’s a caring individual that can think and act past her own immediate wants and desires, unlike a certain bitch-kitteh that has seen more traffic and had more people put into her dock than the Norfolk shipyards. Wondering if Hero will turn one of those bottles into a +5 Implement of Indignant Ho Clobberin’…
ok at that point id toss her out on her butt
I wouldn’t say Cleo’s seen a lot of traffic, but she gets her oil checked more often than a NASCAR driver.
Considering that “That Plain Little Peasant Girl” can roast you like a marshmellow without breaking a sweat I’d watch what you say about her…
She does have a nice smile in the third panel, though. Snobby bitch.
“That plain little peasant girl” has her own castle — or manor, if that’s what it would be called. (Hm, maybe pack up and move the valuable stuff there?)
Peasant girl? Plain? Can’t wait to see her face, when someone (Hero?) tells her that Evon is nobility with an own castle and a potentially powerfull mage on top.
On the other hand, i’m not sure if it would be wise to tell her. But it would be so satisfying.
I have a feeling that he’s going to correct her and say, “Actually…. She’s a noble of (insert name here). So be quiet about the insults because you CAN be replaced.” And I could so see her jaw drop in shock while trying to figure out if the fact was true or not and how to get rid of the competition.
Love how everyone always makes a certain lioness out to be the villainess: remember, at least she’s sticking with the plans her family AND Hiro’s made…Hiro’s the one who keeps running off to play adventurer…two sides to every story folks. 🙂
yeah what NarcanGoat said.. and in that day and age Everyone had a little cheek on the side.. marriage was just a business. true love was just for the peasants. my problem with her is shes running the business/ manor without the KEYS first… id tell her to get out an come back when you learned some manners.. told my partner (( then girlfriend )) my house my rules,, until we are married, then ” your house your rules”
I agree, her attitude is the real problem.
Even after their married, still his house his rules. She just gets the job of enforcing said rules.
She doesn’t love Hero one bit and knows Hero doesn’t love her. She has no intentions towards marital fidelity and doesn’t give a toss if Hero does. She can call off the wedding without losing face, at any time, but would rather have the status of being Hero’s Lady. It is not without reason she’s seen as the villain. Though I’d tag her more as an antagonist – not evil or actively malicious, but definitely working against the protagonists.
If you read my comment, you’ll notice that I didn’t peg her as a villainess. I pegged her as someone that Hero doesn’t want in his life and who he finds frustrating/annoying.
Technically Evon has a castle, land and servents. Even if they were loyal to a psycho cousin. Which makes Evon a noble. So Cleo should shut it before Hero removes his title and leaves with his people to Evon’s land.
she may be quite the bitch but i do agree with NarcanGoat.
she is the only one honoring the marriage her family and Hero’s family made and if Hero were to back out of the marriage it would be an insult to the king (even if Evon is of nobility and could be considered for marriage.)
at least Cleo is trying to have someone that is close friends with Hero be his best man, and even being fine with him keeping Evon on the side, despite her harsh wording.
I think at best, Cleo is just trying to play cards she thinks will cement her position. She likely doesn’t give one wet damn about Hero any more than Hero gives a damn about her. the only thing Cleo cares about at this point is, in order, 1. pleasing her father 2. the personal power she might gain from this arrangment herself 3. keeping proper decorum so that no one (particularly herself) ends up being disgraced.
I think Cleo does care for Hero, look back at Chapter 6 and Cleo runs in to hug Hero once she’s heard he returned home. Then look at Chapter 7 and see them as children, she has a child-like smile when nuzzling him that says ‘We’re gonna get married and have kids and live in a beautiful castle and have parties all day and it’ll be perfect and everything!’
This is a woman who grew up in High Society, enjoys it, and knows how to play the game within it. She may have a caustic attitude, but that doesn’t mean she can’t love someone. She even proves it to a point in this comic. “You’re upset because you have feelings for someone else? FINE! Keep her and let her warm your bed whenever you like. Have her suck you off for breakfast if she wants to. But we’ve been engaged since we were little, and I don’t want to insult my father OR destroy your father’s legacy by putting off our marriage any longer.”
She cares for Hero, in her own way. It may not be in the traditional sense like we’d know it, but it’s there. I’m not saying she’s a saint, but she obviously cares about him.
Just have to look at the reasons why she is, literally, the only one wanting to honour some deal made, by people long dead, before either of them were old enough to be crawling
I know what will solve all of this – massive orgy . I mean isn’t that always the best answer to lifes problems?
Then there is the “small” matter of Evee. If there is to be a triad, Evon/ Evee + Hero is better from the fannish point of view, but the kitteh won’t be happy about at all
… And we should care what the needy kitten wants because of…? I mean, both Evon and Evee can hand her her head… hand her head to her… kick her ass into next week, let’s go with that. Not to mention that since Evon is a noble, Evee, as her clone, is as well. Even if only technically due to lack of birth certificate or whatever so that can’t be verified.
Since when does schoolyard bullying matter in adult political machinations? ‘I can beat you up, so I matter more’? I’m sure Hero could easily kill the King of the Pridelands, but that wouldn’t make it right to do so. Even his attack on other nobles has the possible ramifications of punishment, Hero said so himself back in Chapter 6.
Heh, wouldn’t be surprised if Belvidere (or what ever his name is) was also of noble blood (plenty of nobles went to work for nobles of higher standing, specially if they were friends first)
For somereason I have a feeling that Hero might run out of patience and as a result cancel the mariage, rejecting Cleo and thus insulting his liege lord – just because he cannot stand it any longer. as a result he would end up being an outcast and likely having to stay at Evon’s castle after severing his ties to his country.
At least Hero isn’t the type to think of going through with the marriage and then causing the death of Cleo and her father so that he ends up with control of the whole of the land and power.
Did you just reference the Red Wedding? If so cu dose to you.
Arranged marriages are usually the way two families that are weak to merge and become stronger, Hero’s land and people are already strong so he does not need the marriage to stragthin his land, and she will take over all of it and run fight over him to get all his wealth!
Hero should really just have the butler find some proof that cleo was cheating on him, in that day and age that should be more then enough to cancel the wedding (yes the butler would find it, his a badass)
Is Shakar her father? Isn’t he with the Cabal?
She wants the title “Lady Dent”,She dosn´t care about hero´s amusememts on the side. She has her own.