Now, is the memory block (or whatever) regenerative so it can fend off things like this? Or will he suddenly begin thinking that Evon is Evee? Or maybe some preset enchantment / command will go off?
Someone has been messin’ with this boy’s mind, and it don’t look good. I actually feel a bit sorry for him right now. So who in the cabal specializes in that sort of thing?
Uh oh. Demon morphing time!
Oh crap flashbacks?
Seems like he just ran nose-first into a memory block. He was fine until he started examining his memory. This could be bad.
When do you poke his memories? When he is on foot and you are both armed, armored, and mounted.
Oh well, prepare for things to go sideways. Not good.
The mental equivalent of a BSOD. Please reboot.
Bad flashback tripping time!
Now, is the memory block (or whatever) regenerative so it can fend off things like this? Or will he suddenly begin thinking that Evon is Evee? Or maybe some preset enchantment / command will go off?
Somebody looks miffed.
Someone has been messin’ with this boy’s mind, and it don’t look good. I actually feel a bit sorry for him right now. So who in the cabal specializes in that sort of thing?
Whatever happened, it was after he split from Evee, as he was still seemingly OK when last seen.