Suddenly I can see why Hero kept that part of his life a secret from him for so long. Whoever messed with his head didn’t do a thing for his gold lust.
“I’ll twist YOUR knickers in a minute if you don’t get your hand off of me.”
Not a lot of love lost between Evon and Venir, eh?
not are real loss anyway.
Venie does have a point: who ever said you can’t do both has never been in a position to do either
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Suddenly I can see why Hero kept that part of his life a secret from him for so long. Whoever messed with his head didn’t do a thing for his gold lust.
“I’ll twist YOUR knickers in a minute if you don’t get your hand off of me.”
Not a lot of love lost between Evon and Venir, eh?
not are real loss anyway.
Venie does have a point: who ever said you can’t do both has never been in a position to do either