We made it to Friday, guys 🙂 I’m a little on the sick side, but feeling slightly better than yesterday 🙂 Today‘s sketch is a Patreon request from Mr Wax of his OC wolf lady, Molly (slightly NSFW)
Have a good weekend 🙂
We made it to Friday, guys 🙂 I’m a little on the sick side, but feeling slightly better than yesterday 🙂 Today‘s sketch is a Patreon request from Mr Wax of his OC wolf lady, Molly (slightly NSFW)
Have a good weekend 🙂
I really want him to die now…
Make it long, slow, and excruciating.
Worst part is, I think he really thinks he’s being reasonable.
That is why his death needs to be slow.
… Yes I can certainly understand why she must have to give up her first born for your twisted ambitions, please take her… I agree with Charvale and Parvus; this shit head needs to die and he needs to suffer verrrrrrry slowly and agonizingly…
He was ‘certain to an eye on them from a distance’, butt he didn’t know she was even pregnant until some time after giving birth? o_O
“Who could have foreseen Fern would turn on me and aid her? The ingrates, the pair of them! After everything I was going to do to them!!”
The guy is a certifiable maroon!
The level of arrogance of Sevarian is a indication of his confidence of his ‘position’ of power. He is the most powerful person (as least in his mind) and that all that he has done to to build and fortify his power base (the Cabal). The problem being is the his greed. As anyone who has been around for a number of years and observed our own history, that power can so easily corrupt. And Sevarian has a lot of power, both personal and in the personnel around him. And in his greed that he alone is the best person to ‘lead’ the world, and that to that end any and all means are justified to achieve that goal. Regardless of who gets in his way.
Take a good look at history and all of the dictators, and ’emperors’, and all that they did to get to power, and did to stay in power. They cared not for the people that really made things work & sustainable. Their comfort and pleasure was set above all else. And when things went wrong they blamed others for the that. And ultimately to the collapse of the society.
One simple fact that has been lost on the ‘leaders’, now and into the future: A Kingdom can exist WITHOUT a monarch, but a monarch is nothing with out people to rule over.
Baby Evon is a cute, happy baby.
[meta] The current invotive has the little grey cells overclocking – in high school, before I had a shred of a clue, I lusted in my heart for a pair of identical twins.