No idea what you’re on about, he has a point. At least he isn’t just saying the “Comix sux” or anything like that, he points out something that’s bothering him. “Constructive criticism” I think is the words I’m looking for, and I honestly agree with him, the nose is a bit funny.. Perhaps if it was slightly wider.. Anyways, its needed. Without Constructive criticism, how will the creator know what the people like/dislike? And change it accordingly? I only just now started reading it, seems okay for now, a few derpy moments, but that’s fine. Honestly, if you can’t tell bashing from Constructive criticism, then its a wonder why you’re even here.
mmmm nope…hes bashing.
if you read his future comments on the other pages he down right insults everything just to be a troll.
hes probably some 8 yr old fat kid that has nothing else better to do. he probably is often picked on at school so he finds solace in picking on others on the internet, specifically on webcomics.
hes on a bunch of others as wells and does the same insulting/trolling shit e_e
Like making this kind of broad generalization will improve what’s coming out of other people’s mouths. Your just trying to shift the focus onto an other group that doesn’t deserve this treatment. You are no better than who you say they are if your do this. You say they are bashing on the lofty morals of your agist fit-eliteist reality-junky lifestyle basically. I’m insulted how dense you are, enough to actually post a long pointless Internet rant.
Man, just let it go. It’s coming of as pretty darn rude.
yeah shut the hell up yo
No idea what you’re on about, he has a point. At least he isn’t just saying the “Comix sux” or anything like that, he points out something that’s bothering him. “Constructive criticism” I think is the words I’m looking for, and I honestly agree with him, the nose is a bit funny.. Perhaps if it was slightly wider.. Anyways, its needed. Without Constructive criticism, how will the creator know what the people like/dislike? And change it accordingly? I only just now started reading it, seems okay for now, a few derpy moments, but that’s fine. Honestly, if you can’t tell bashing from Constructive criticism, then its a wonder why you’re even here.
mmmm nope…hes bashing.
if you read his future comments on the other pages he down right insults everything just to be a troll.
hes probably some 8 yr old fat kid that has nothing else better to do. he probably is often picked on at school so he finds solace in picking on others on the internet, specifically on webcomics.
hes on a bunch of others as wells and does the same insulting/trolling shit e_e
Like making this kind of broad generalization will improve what’s coming out of other people’s mouths. Your just trying to shift the focus onto an other group that doesn’t deserve this treatment. You are no better than who you say they are if your do this. You say they are bashing on the lofty morals of your agist fit-eliteist reality-junky lifestyle basically. I’m insulted how dense you are, enough to actually post a long pointless Internet rant.
Which you just took the time out of your life to read.
Heyyyy, I read it too, and I’m not mean, just overly curious :I