while somewhat petty and perhaps vapid I really don’t see why she is demonized so much. Merely informing us “she sucks” isn’t enough if it is not actually backed up by something more concrete. As the saying goes, “show, don’t tell”. While evon is the underdog in this competition we have yet to see anything that distinguishes the two.
If you ask me, ‘Lady Cleo’ has more than proven what she is. She intends to get by marriage what her father was unable to obtain by other means. Her attitude is visible in everything she says and does; going out of her way to try to make Hero look a fool and unsuitable for his rank. Above all, she wants the wealth and the status that goes with it.
Hero, and Evon (with Belvedere’s help) are instead showing her up for what she is–a scheming (something) out only for her own gain.
Why do I see Hero wasting an unholy amount of brandy (oh…whatta waste!) sterilizing himself after Cleo’s insipid fawning?
And really dig the ‘Fantasy’ incentives! You made me snark coffee. Oh, my poor keyboard…
And welcome back! Missed ya, Ms. B!
Well, I can’t speak for everyone else, but I personally view Cleo as dislikable because of her I’m-better-than-you attitude, and how she treats Hero as a personal possession, and a none too bright one. Not to mention how she’s _trying_ to make Evon look bad, simply because Evon’s in her way, so to speak. The woman’s a harpy. I doubt she really loves Hero at all, this is probably just a status-grab.
But, that makes for good dramatics, and I do like her as a character I like to dislike. Gotta have those, from time to time. :j
Agree with Mr. Casual, Cleo is indeed the one you love to hate. Of course she isn’t done with trying to capture Hero and discredit Evon and I can not wait to see what new plan of her’s unfurls. Were she lower breeding one attempt comes to mind but I don’t think she’s became that desperate yet. Sorry to see this was the last of the incentive pages for that series. Hope to see more like it.
I do like Bevedere’s lines in the last pannel. (Do you think the fact that I wrote them makes me bias?). As for status, I must admit, Cleo is of higher status than Hero, and far wealthier (her father basicly ownes the country). Of course, it could be the status of having the husband that makes all the other girls sigh. 😉
Well, you’d know better than we would, but I highly doubt thoughts like “I have enough money” and “I have enough land” are going through her head. Greedy nobles are never the kind to be content with what they have, and “moar” is always the word of the day.
True, it may not be a status-grab, but she’s definitely hounding a sense of entitlement, I think. That’s probably why she’s doing all this, simply because Hero is “hers”, and she’ll be damned if anybody’s going to take away anything that’s hers, whether she actually wants him or not.
And yes, that does make you biased. But we all love Belvidier, so we’ll let it slide. :j
Belvedier… Heh, if it wasn’t for the fact he’s completely unsuited for it, I’d say they should take him along!
Aside from that though, I find I like him. Especially since he made that David Eddings style bit a few pages back.
Wonderfully fun and thoroughly fascinating comic. I read all of it from the start in just over 3 hours and now hunger like an addict for more.
From the moment “That Woman” showed up, I kept expecting ‘accidental’ mayhem from Evon. Things like very staining drinks getting spilled and too close candles.
Belvedier reminds me of Michael Caine as Bruce Wayne’s Alfred.
Yes, waiting is not my strong point. If ever suspended animation were to become an everyday thing like ordinary sleep, I would use it to allow me to pass the time until there are large chunks of archived comics to read. Then back to sleep.
i have a certain skill set that allows one to get away this skill set make me a problem for cling women allow me to show you build up your chakra no focus on the place you want to be this is the 暗影』実行 (silent shadow run jutsu) focus on the door
How is it that even though he’s covered in fur, I just saw Hero’s skin crawl?
His fur ripples when his skin crawls.
while somewhat petty and perhaps vapid I really don’t see why she is demonized so much. Merely informing us “she sucks” isn’t enough if it is not actually backed up by something more concrete. As the saying goes, “show, don’t tell”. While evon is the underdog in this competition we have yet to see anything that distinguishes the two.
If you ask me, ‘Lady Cleo’ has more than proven what she is. She intends to get by marriage what her father was unable to obtain by other means. Her attitude is visible in everything she says and does; going out of her way to try to make Hero look a fool and unsuitable for his rank. Above all, she wants the wealth and the status that goes with it.
Hero, and Evon (with Belvedere’s help) are instead showing her up for what she is–a scheming (something) out only for her own gain.
Why do I see Hero wasting an unholy amount of brandy (oh…whatta waste!) sterilizing himself after Cleo’s insipid fawning?
And really dig the ‘Fantasy’ incentives! You made me snark coffee. Oh, my poor keyboard…
And welcome back! Missed ya, Ms. B!
i like Cleo, sure shes a tad bit over jealous but hey all that means is that she loves hero a lot! 😛
Cleo jealous? No. Overly possessive? YES! As for loving Hero, hmm, I think it is more loving how good he looks on HER arm.
Well, I can’t speak for everyone else, but I personally view Cleo as dislikable because of her I’m-better-than-you attitude, and how she treats Hero as a personal possession, and a none too bright one. Not to mention how she’s _trying_ to make Evon look bad, simply because Evon’s in her way, so to speak. The woman’s a harpy. I doubt she really loves Hero at all, this is probably just a status-grab.
But, that makes for good dramatics, and I do like her as a character I like to dislike. Gotta have those, from time to time. :j
Great stuff, as always!
Agree with Mr. Casual, Cleo is indeed the one you love to hate. Of course she isn’t done with trying to capture Hero and discredit Evon and I can not wait to see what new plan of her’s unfurls. Were she lower breeding one attempt comes to mind but I don’t think she’s became that desperate yet. Sorry to see this was the last of the incentive pages for that series. Hope to see more like it.
I do like Bevedere’s lines in the last pannel. (Do you think the fact that I wrote them makes me bias?). As for status, I must admit, Cleo is of higher status than Hero, and far wealthier (her father basicly ownes the country). Of course, it could be the status of having the husband that makes all the other girls sigh. 😉
Well, you’d know better than we would, but I highly doubt thoughts like “I have enough money” and “I have enough land” are going through her head. Greedy nobles are never the kind to be content with what they have, and “moar” is always the word of the day.
True, it may not be a status-grab, but she’s definitely hounding a sense of entitlement, I think. That’s probably why she’s doing all this, simply because Hero is “hers”, and she’ll be damned if anybody’s going to take away anything that’s hers, whether she actually wants him or not.
And yes, that does make you biased. But we all love Belvidier, so we’ll let it slide. :j
Few things would make this scenario better. I beleive one of them would be if Belvie put on his trollface. ;D
Belvedier… Heh, if it wasn’t for the fact he’s completely unsuited for it, I’d say they should take him along!
Aside from that though, I find I like him. Especially since he made that David Eddings style bit a few pages back.
Wonderfully fun and thoroughly fascinating comic. I read all of it from the start in just over 3 hours and now hunger like an addict for more.
From the moment “That Woman” showed up, I kept expecting ‘accidental’ mayhem from Evon. Things like very staining drinks getting spilled and too close candles.
Belvedier reminds me of Michael Caine as Bruce Wayne’s Alfred.
Good job catching up! (Too bad now you have to wait like the rest of us for an update now…) And Miss Brit has yet to disappoint us.
Yes, waiting is not my strong point. If ever suspended animation were to become an everyday thing like ordinary sleep, I would use it to allow me to pass the time until there are large chunks of archived comics to read. Then back to sleep.
gods! i lost this. too bad that I will not see Evon in short or no clothes, fighting with a tentacle monster…
I could give you an additional two to three hours time and a ride outta here. Too tempting to miss.
i have a certain skill set that allows one to get away this skill set make me a problem for cling women allow me to show you build up your chakra no focus on the place you want to be this is the 暗影』実行 (silent shadow run jutsu) focus on the door
Belvidier is the perfect butler for Hero.