Early Concept Art
Britt is not feeling well. She has messed up her back and cannot sit at a desk long enough to work on an update. She is actually under doctor to get some rest. On the bright side, she is getting to watch lots of cartoons. I figured I’d post something related to what is going on in the comic. This is one of the earlier concept drawings I did of Evon and Evee.
UPDATE from my bed >_<:
So I’ve been semi bedridden since Wednesday morning. My back has actually been bothering me for about two months. Between my mother and Mr Wax, they told me to go see a doctor a few dozen times. Me, being stubborn and hard headed, thought that the pain would go away on its own.
I was wrong :-/
By Tuesday I couldn’t walk in my own and Wednesday morning I was being taken to the ER. Luckily the pain is from muscle strain (I was terrified it would be something much more serious) and a few days of bed rest will help, not to mention some really strong pain killers.
I’m already starting to feel better, but I’m still pretty sore and can’t sit up for long periods of time. The doctor said I should be clear to go back to work Monday so I’m hoping to feel better by then.
Sent to Mr Wax Wednesday morning from the ER 😐
Old Evee Looks very sexy. 🙂 hope Britt gets better soon. And watching cartoons isn’t a bad way to spend the day to relax either.
Get well soon Miss Britt! Love the early scetches. I see Evee seems to always have trouble keeping herself covered.
wow, if I knew where to send a card, I’d send you best wishes.
anyway, judging from those sketches, I’d hate to be kicked by either Evon or Evee.
I’m glad they didn’t keep the eyebrows, tho.
The gown looks good on you Ms. Britt. *Chuckles*
I did like Evee’s outfit. Especially the staff. maybe will use it some day. Or some version of it.
If anyone would be the type to dress like that, it’d probably be Evee, heh.
Get well soon, Britt. Back problems are no fun. :/
Get well soon and happy holidays.
Get well soon, Britt! Back pain is NOT to be taken lightly; see if your doctor can recommend a GOOD (non-sadistic, if there are any) physical therapist and/or massage therapist. Hydrocodone is all very well in its place, but you really need to fix the underlying problem!
As a trucker for 19 years, I got into a lot of back pain.
Then I took up yoga. I am now more flexible and my back is much stronger.
I recommend it for anyone who sits for a log time each day.
Brittany, I feel for you. I had back problems for a few years until it got to the point that I began to realize, it wasn’t a back ache, but a kidney stone that had developed. By the time I started to get things together to get it removed, the damned thing had worked it’s way down to my bladder, blocking the tube from my right kidney. A couple of days later, they got it out.
A 7 millimeter stone may not seem big, until your body tries to pass it…
Just be happy you’re was from muscle strain…
Take it easy and get back with the story when you feel up to it!
(PS. I’m still hoping Evon and Evee can work something out. The two of them working together would be beyond formidable. I don’t think that there’s a force on the planet that could keep them from doing whatever they wanted).
beings it’s gonna be the planet providing Evon’s power and Evee teaching her to use it… wow.
Realize this, Evee didn’t get to study magic like Evon did, yet Evee’s instincts are providing more than enough knowledge. If it’s Evon’s formal training interfering with her acquisition of her true power, Evee is exactly what she needs.
I actually had the same thing happen recently. I somehow aggravated a old injury but thought it was just the occasional pain I’d get from being over worked, especially this time of year. The next day the very familiar pain and spasms were back. The doctor actually recommended not staying in bed. I sat around with as upright a position as I could manage during my five day ‘weekend’. I was back to work on the following Monday but took it slow for the next week so I wouldn’t re-aggravate it and kept a dose of the medicines with me just in case.
Ouch! O.o I hope you get plenty of rest hon, back problems aren’t a laughing matter. I know, I deal with lower back pain all the time, because my ankles pronate (turn in) so they throw off my alignment (and I was just getting used to being Chaotic Neutral…).
And be careful of the painkillers the doctor gives you, if they’re too strong they’ll prevent you from going to the bathroom. The ones I was on after my surgery kept me from going for about a week. :/
Ouch! Bed time for you, girl! Updates can wait! Get lots of rest for your back and don’t even think about getting back to drawing until you are feeling 120%!
Just think of it as catching up with well needed rest 🙂
Might I ask, are you the same W (Wilson) Goldwing from the old TS comment board??
The same one, yes 🙂 Been a fan of your comic and lurker for quite a while.
I’m flattered, I still love all of your TailSpin fan art 😀
And you may not remember me (it has been 10+ years :-)), but we use to instant message all the time! You use to give me drawing tips when all I had to draw with was a mouse 😀
Oh I do remember kiddo 😉 How could I forget lil DonnaEvon? I’m no longer in AOL IM these days, but you can always find me at Skype.
Cool ^^ drop me an email sometime!
The problem is she now feels well enough that she is trying to sneak back to her drawing desk late at night. )-1
Sorry to hear about your back pain, in the future if it’s possible try some light exercise, like lifting 2 1 gal milk bottles filled with 1/2 gal of water each while bending over. This should keep your lower and upper back muscles active so this won’t happen again, in the future. take long or short breaks during your work, stretch your body. I do this at work where I sit a lot doing inspections on aircraft parts for 8+ hrs. It really seems to help. By the way cute little grumpy face photo. Get better and take care of yourself. Otherwise we’ll send Hero to look after you. Hope you had a good Thanksgiving.
I have found that a wide elastic belt back brace is a big help to prevent recurrence of debilitating back pain. It gives just that little extra bit of support that makes a big difference.
So now two of my favorite webcomic authors have back problems and can’t write…
Who is the other one?
NJ Huff Author of Emergency Exit http://eecomics.net/EEArchives/?strip_id=1
Hope it’s not something more serious . . . my current trouble started with back pain and now I’m looking at very serious surgery.
Don’t let Daniel Ti’Fiona(DMFA) see Evee’s outfit, he always did love amazonian women.
I always loved that comic. 🙂
Britt, I know it’s been well over a year since you had your back problems; but, speaking from experience, don’t take back problems, even muscle strains, lightly. I had a herniated disc in my back and suffered through it and the resulting sciatica for a year before, I finally went to have something done about it. When I went to the doctor, I walked like a chimpanzee walking on two legs does and ran almost as fast. That’s advice from an old man who’s had experience.