Sorry for the lack of comic today, last night while I was working on the new page I decided to update I decided to update to the new Compicpress… and completely broke my website :-p I spent roughly three hours trying to get it back to normal and it took up a lot of my comic drawing time. I’ll make a Twitter post when the new comic page will be up.
In the mean time, enjoy the random bunny buns!
PS: It’s a new month, don’t forget to vote! (please…? ^^)
UPDATE: Monday’s update will now happen on Wednesday afternoon/evening. Sorry about the inconvenience guys. Go out and enjoy some barbecue!
Any nudie bunny can be distracted from their cup of coffee in the morning. I know someone written that down somewhere…. LOL
It’s Labor Day. Perfect to take the day off.
Not seeing the vote icon, looks to be missing or somewhere I’m not noticing it at.
Bunny buttocks. Yummy!
Woo! Bunny-Butt!
Um, I don’t think the voting pic has been updated. I could swear that same one was the last incentive. I know I’ve seen her on top of that rice before.
Yup, that’s the previous vote-centive