Volume Five, Chapter Twenty-Three, Page 970
I hope everyone had a good week!
Todays voting incentive is a SFW pinup sketch I did of Loona from Helluva Boss!
Have a great weekend and be safe!
I hope everyone had a good week!
Todays voting incentive is a SFW pinup sketch I did of Loona from Helluva Boss!
Have a great weekend and be safe!
Gotta love the look of distain Belvedere has for the other (obviously distraught) butler’s lack of composure.
Ferny must still be outside putting his brain back together. He’s obviously shaken that this person he was so scared of, is a Butler.
I really wanna know more of Belvidier’s past. Why does he strike so much fear into people?
I think you are going to enjoy this chapter. 😉
Oooh. Really looking forward to this chapter now.
You might want to reread the earlier chapters.
Let’s just say that there are…consequences for disappointing Belvidier.
I don’t believe the earlier chapters go into as much detail into Belvidier’s past as I’m looking for.
The… consequences…. may have been the beginning of him being more than a side character.
You wanted to know why he strikes such fear. I believe that there is an adequate explanation in the above-mentioned passages.
Certainly, there is LOTS of potentially interesting backstory to be had, but an author has to choose where to begin, and, so, no matter where they go, there they are.
I wanna guess Belvy used to be a witch hunter. if you recall, the previous one (the black panther that hunted Evon) recognized Belv for someone being way stronger and of possibly higher rank. and now Fern, who is a magic user, who also has lived a very long life probably knows of Belvs previous occupation.
I’ve been thinking about Evee’s outfit in this picture. Compared to some of the stuff she’s been know to wear it’s almost modest!
Was going to mention the quick change on Evee’s costume.
Evee gives new meaning to the term “teddy” bear.
As a ‘good’ butler, one would think Belvi knows better than to buttle in on another butlers territory
Needs must, old bean. I refer one and all to Jeeves and Bunter once again.