Volume Five, Chapter Twenty-Three, Page 976
UPDATE 9/16: No new comic today, folks. Sorry, I’m gonna take a little break to get some rest
I hope everyone had a good week!
For those who don’t know I’ve opened my own Etsy Shop called WitchieBrew! So far I have stickers available, but keep an eye out for future pinup post cards and other fun items!
Todays voting incentive is a shirt meme sketch that I did a while ago (slightly NSFW?)
Have a great weekend and be safe!
You know, this is probably the most sisterly we’ve seen them acting.
I was thinking the same thing.
These two have a real Will & Thomas Riker thing going on now.
Nice, would love to see more sisterly bonding here.
Only if ropes are involved…
there is a ‘bonding’ mini comic on her Patreon called Sister Act
Non-cannon of course. But that is what made it so fun to write. 😀
I didn’t mean that kind of bonding.
I wonder just how ‘sisterly’ Evon would be after finding out what Hero did just to find & rescue Evon getting Evee’s help!
So do I and I’m dreading how it’s going to go. I’m think it’ll either drive them all apart, lead to a physical fight or maybe Evon will actually forgive Evee.
Maybe the writer’s planning to fix this by killing off Evee in the upcoming battle. But I really hope not, I enjoy having Evee as a main character and just getting rid of her would be a cheap way to resolve this.
It’s nice to see Evee becoming more likable, loveable even.
For some of us, she always was
Reading this, I kind of wish they would accept that until the ‘splitting’ that brought Evee into being they were one person in the way they speak about their shared past. ‘Remember when we were sixteen and we’ ‘He doubled our homework for a week’
Recently I saw someone talking about the Rick and Morty episode Bethic Twinstinct. That no one other then ourselves really knows what goes on inside our heads, truly knows us on the inside. But at the same time any opinions we form about ourselves may be tainted, we cannot be objective about ourselves.
He said Bethic Twinstinct explores what it would be like if we had someone who shared our memories and thought patterns but also could offer an objective and outsider’s perspective.
Personally I think Evon and Evee might have it even better. Since they have the same memories but different personalities, they wouldn’t just agree with everything the other said. They would be able to offer a difference of opinions and potentially talk each other into or out of something.
For example, Evon might be able to convince Evee out of taking bloody vengeance on the Cabal, Evee could encourage Evon to go after Hero. They might reach each other in ways no one else could.
And no I am NOT suggesting they have sex with each other! They’ve already established they think of each other as sisters.