okay the ice just broke between them evee finally breaking down and hugging her sister showing that she has a family who will always be there for her no matter what
1) Wild sex with Hero before setting out to rescue Evon. Check.
2) Going wild and wiping out every guard she came across in the enamy head quarters. Check.
3) Evon hugs her back. Check.
There’s your trifecta.
I can see a whole set of drawings on this weeks voting sketch…
Next week is Evon ends up tieing Evee to the same pole with Cleo and Hero shows up with that expression…
Week after that is Hero has all three tied up together…
Aw, Evee needs a big hug from her sister Evon… don’t think she’s going to let go for a while, considering what she’s been through at the Cabal’s hands and after learning her sister never abandoned her and would have come for her had she known she existed…
Oh my. If he survives that’s going to be one lucky rat getting tag teamed by those two. Heheh, it’s a ‘Heroes’ duty to take ‘care’ of the ladies.
Hallelujah! Unlike the rest of you, I’ve only been bingeing for 3 days, so I didn’t have years of conflict to really make me settle into the idea that Evee just wouldn’t ever come around, but it doesn’t change the fact that felt like Data during the battle of Veridian in ST Generations!
okay the ice just broke between them evee finally breaking down and hugging her sister showing that she has a family who will always be there for her no matter what
Who’s cutting onions? Someone is cutting onions. My eyes, the tears.
Oh, the feels on this page. Who’d’ve thought that Evee was capable of that kind of emotional outburst?
She’s capable of lots of other kinds of emotional outbursts, why not this one, too? (That’s rhetorical.)
Evee just found out she wasn”t abandoned and that her ‘sister’ came as soon as she found out about her
Next scene of the invotive:
Evon “Why didn’t you tell you me about this? Move over, the rope isn’t tight enough!”
Cleo *Muffled eep*
All she needed was some cathartic sex, some cathartic violence, and some cathartic kindness. The ol’ trifecta.
1) Wild sex with Hero before setting out to rescue Evon. Check.
2) Going wild and wiping out every guard she came across in the enamy head quarters. Check.
3) Evon hugs her back. Check.
There’s your trifecta.
Wonderful, isn’t it? All she needs is some (non-evil) laughter and she’ll be practically well-adjusted.
That was… Unexpected.
But very welcome. #Awww
As much as she likes to pretend she doesn’t, Evee does in fact have a heart.
Oh, hell, now I can’t see the monitor. Damn glasses getting all fogged up…
But would Evon feel conflicted Evee had sex with Hero?…Thats one 1up Ever has over Evon.
Ah well, we’ll see in future pages.
I can see a whole set of drawings on this weeks voting sketch…
Next week is Evon ends up tieing Evee to the same pole with Cleo and Hero shows up with that expression…
Week after that is Hero has all three tied up together…
Aw, Evee needs a big hug from her sister Evon… don’t think she’s going to let go for a while, considering what she’s been through at the Cabal’s hands and after learning her sister never abandoned her and would have come for her had she known she existed…
Looks like Hero will have to marry the both of them in the end.
Oh my. If he survives that’s going to be one lucky rat getting tag teamed by those two. Heheh, it’s a ‘Heroes’ duty to take ‘care’ of the ladies.
I hope this sticks. I like when we fight troubles by being family. It doesn’t happen enough.
I thought, there would be some bad rivalry. Maybe it comes when Evee finds out about the fucking hero thing.
This is a surprisingly tender moment. But it makes you wonder what’s going to happen if Evon finds out about Hero and Evee.
Hallelujah! Unlike the rest of you, I’ve only been bingeing for 3 days, so I didn’t have years of conflict to really make me settle into the idea that Evee just wouldn’t ever come around, but it doesn’t change the fact that felt like Data during the battle of Veridian in ST Generations!
I teared up over this! This is a “something i never expected” moment! Bravo!