Sorry for the disappearing act for the last few days! Two things sort of kept my attention for the last couple of weeks (one good, one not so good).
For one, my mom got a new dog (well, I bought it for her, but she really really wanted it!). It’s a little yorkie-maltese mix that we found at the local SPCA. Apparently it was found wondering down the street (in the friggin’ cold) wearing a flea collar and had been freshly groomed (the poor things fur was cut down so close you could see her skin), but wasn’t wearing a regular collar nor was it microchipped! After staying at the SPCA for five days no one came to claim her. My mom and I just happened to go in on the first day she was put up for adoption just to look around. When my mom saw her she instantly fell in love so I bought her ^_^
We named her Sugar. She’s a loud, yappy little thing,
but dammit, she’s cute!
The second thing (and probably the most scary thing) is that it would seem that I have a really bad iron deficiency, which causes me to get really tired and sluggish. I sorta knew I’ve has it for a while now, but it was never to the point where I really noticed it and I just ignored it (NEVER IGNORE YOUR BODY WHEN IT’S NOT WORKING PROPERLY, KIDS), but within the last few weeks I got tired VERY quickly and slept A LOT longer than usual. Somedays it was hard for me to get out of bed, and even when I did I would end up crashing again on the couch. It would literally take me hours just to get enough energy to do regular stuff around the house. Trying to get any drawing done was extremely hard. After maybe working for an hour it was hard just to sit up straight. I finally did what my doctor told me to do a long time ago, start taking vitamins. They seriously made an instant difference. So, now that I’m armed with a giant bottle of Women’s One-A-Day, I should be able to stay awake at least long enough to get some real work done again. ^_^
On an unrelated note, I hope everyone who’s suffering in this miserable winter is keeping warm and staying safe! Cincinnati really isn’t getting it as rough as some other parts of the country, but it’s still pretty yucky and I’m a big baby! And for those of you have managed to completely avoid the arctic blast or who are just living in warmer places…. I’m terribly, terribly jealous 😀
Panda suit selfie, #2!!
Great to see you back, Brittany! Looks like you and Evon are both feeling the chill.
And… I’m guessing that’s Evee who’s (somehow) purloined the clothing? EEEP!
It is good actually: she is following them, but did nothing to hurt either of them; she can still be an ally, or even a friend… I wonder how Evon would feel about something like a twin sister ?
Glad to hear that you’re taking Vitamins. My wife also went through a time where she felt tired and couldn’t get going and it turned out to be a thyroid issue which if untreated could have lead to heart conditions, so I second your statement, don’t ignore if your body isn’t working right. On a side note, eat green veggies and eat protein to help your iron levels, vitamins only go so far.
I see you’re definitely keeping cute. ;3
And yeah, like Jeff said, eat plenty of protein and green veggies to keep your Iron levels up. Of course, if you’re a vampire, you could always just drink somebodies blood. <.<
No Vamp’ing Shepard, Stripes. 😀
Though you are correct about the cute.
It’s good to get ya back! And… h-how did evee get evons robe!?
Thats creepy!
Trans location of interpersonal item possessions? Either that or Evee did an item teleport, much to our pleasure. imagine Hero’s face when it dawns on him that Evon will have to get naked to dry her clothes. It may just be the final push over the edge, after all he’s sporting quite the buldge in panel 2
Glad that your feeling better Brittany. And that your mom likes her dog. My mother for a while rescued Yorkies. And I guess cuddling will be postponed if Evee has her way, with that gloomy look. And my guess is that her transportation spell is better than her’s.
How the heck did she pull that off?
Britanny, I have a good one for you. I am a guy who not only has to take a multivitamin with iron in it … I have to take ferrous sulfate iron pills too. For some reason, I cannot afford the tests to figure out, my body does not retain iron so I am anemic in spite of my love of red meat, spinach, etc. 65 mg of iron/day and I just barely satisfy my doctor. The scary thing is that back in the early 80s my blood had almost too much iron.
Aw shucks, I guess she’ll just have to use Hero as her spare robe. Pre-warmed, even.
dun dun DUUUUUUN
how did Evee get her spare robe and when did she get it for that matter i hope you give me a ansere to this question because i’m so stumped
Well, Evee is catching up a lot faster than I expected. wonder how she knew…Twin-telepathy?
Evee isn’t a twin, more like an evil clone
Hah! Actually evee has been following them for awhile now. And that transportation speel actually would ve difficult unless she knew exactly what the robe looked like and where exactly it was. Magic isn’t as easy as most stories lead on. If you think about it, there is a lot of details when it comes to scrying and teleporting. Sorry! I study this kind of stuff cause of my love for books and writing.
May I have an “Aye” from everyone that thinks Britt looks cute in her panda-jammies. 😀
Aye, aye and hear, hear!