Volume Four, Chapter 15, Page 582 Feb21 by BE Shepard on February 21, 2014 Chapter: Chapter Fifteen: Family Values
What can possibly go wrong, right?
dat smell of trouble
True. That’s always a sign that trouble is about to hit.
Famous last words anyone. XD
That’s the foreshadowing of a dangerous encounter.
Dear oh dear… dont make a girl a promise you can’t keep as cortana from halo always said…
this does not bode well.
He is going to encounter Evee, think it is Evon and try and tell her to obey him and go back to the cave, and then things will get fun (for us the viewers/readers, not for Herodoofus)
Yup. Evee ahoy.
But does she run into Hero first while out and about, or does she attack Evon to try to take her place in the cave?
*plays Twilight Zone music*
After last night I think he just wants some alone time to rub one out!
You’re probably right chuck, lol
Minor grammar error in the last panel, missing a word.
“Are you sure want to…” -> “Are you sure *you* want to…”
Obviously they don’t have Role Playing Games in this world.
“Never. Split. The. Party!!!”