Evon you really do need to wise up my dear. But in case of the worst scenario, fry his ass with a fire spell. Or better yet freeze his body and shatter his manhood.
You know, by now she really should have more sense than that. Seems like she suffers from the dreaded disease Aesop Amnesia, as her past encounters should have taught her to listen to Hero and not trust any random stranger especially when the place was filled with people even she felt were creepy.
actually that’s the last place you want Hero to be in (unless the armory is in very bad shape) because one wrong move or one shout of help Hero will be a walking thank XD
Ha, divide and conquer, hope Evon has more sense than she shows and if not Xenis is in for a unpleasant surprise. He’ll be known as Xenis without penis!!!
And this is where she gets herself into trouble now that she has helped the bad guy get Hero out of the way, for a time.
she is so gullible, like always.
I smell an asassination.
In the immortal words of Admiral Akbar, “IT’S A TRAP!”
oh gawd….here we go again X___x
I still hold out hope Evon’s only playing the ingenue.
i have a feeling Evon is going to end up in a position to be raped again…only this time it won’t be interrupted before it starts O.o
Evon you really do need to wise up my dear. But in case of the worst scenario, fry his ass with a fire spell. Or better yet freeze his body and shatter his manhood.
My prediction: Hero spends about thirty seconds, if that, in the armory. But I do hope he arrives back when Xenis is already on fire.
Red eyes take warning – Ms. B is going to try and incapacitate hero in the armory. still working out with which weapon though.
You know, by now she really should have more sense than that. Seems like she suffers from the dreaded disease Aesop Amnesia, as her past encounters should have taught her to listen to Hero and not trust any random stranger especially when the place was filled with people even she felt were creepy.
I think she’s just going against Hero like a rebellious teenager. “I can take care of myself”
Please tell me that servant is german, that way she can be Frau Blucher! *horse neigh*
That joke’s been made several times, already, and it never stops being funny. X)
actually that’s the last place you want Hero to be in (unless the armory is in very bad shape) because one wrong move or one shout of help Hero will be a walking thank XD
And she’ll probably wind up _completely_ surprised when Xenis turns out to be some kind of villain.
But at least he doesn’t know about her magic. Hopefully that will save her.
Frau Blucher?
[sound of panicked horses]
Ha, divide and conquer, hope Evon has more sense than she shows and if not Xenis is in for a unpleasant surprise. He’ll be known as Xenis without penis!!!
I don’t suppose it would be too much of a coincidence that Xenis is living in Evon’s castle, would it?