Todays cameos are of HotPixe7 (left) and TylertheDemonWolf (right) on FA!
Keep an eye on my Twitter and FA Journal for more cameo opportunities 🙂
Todays cameos are of HotPixe7 (left) and TylertheDemonWolf (right) on FA!
Keep an eye on my Twitter and FA Journal for more cameo opportunities 🙂
Looks like some fools are about to get an @$$ whooping by Hero.=)
I’m thinking enchanted weapons.
I hope both Evon and Hero hand these guys their tails on a Pike. Or a Polearm, you know, whichever.
Technically a Pike is a Polearm. So you win either way!
Yes indeed. It’s also known as a Pole-Ax, so whichever works. Just as long as their tails end up on something long that goes ‘Stabby-Stab’ I’m good. x3
*Poleaxe, sorry. I forgot the ‘e’, and Poleaxe isn’t hyphenated. But you get what I’m saying.
Pre-Ass Kicking One-Liner is a go, and manages to encompass other tropes in such a nice economy of words there because when someone asks you a question like that in that tone of voice and that expression the correct answer involves some form of getting out of the guy’s way with bonus points for apologizing for even thinking about it. Unfortunately for these two they clearly aren’t bright enough to realize how hopelessly outmatched they are.
He makes it sound like “You’re not that stupid, are you?”
That’s the thing about mages, they don’t appreciate the work needed to maintain weapons. I suspect Hero is about to make these two eat those weapons.
Maim or kill them quickly Hero and then go check on Evon.
“Cleanup in aisle three”
More starwars reference.
Xenis: I am your Cousin! Evon: No that is not true! It isn’t possible!
Xenis: Search your feelings you know it to be true! Evon: Nooo! Noooooo!
I’m thinking that hero isn’t even going to need to draw his weapons, I’m betting the guy with the sword is going to swing the sword and the blade will brake off, then the guy with the spear is going to try and impale hero, then hero will catch the spear snap it in half and knock the two guys unconcious
Assuming hostile,
In a narrow hallway the spear wielding thug is at a disadvantage compared to the sword.
Block the sword strike and kick the spearman in the chest. Grab and toss the swordsman out the window (as seen in panel one) then deal with the spearman one on one.
All neat and tidy in one minute flat.
Actually, in a narrow space, a spear wielder would normally have the advantage, specially on stairs (advantage of higher ground and longer reach)
But, Hero is going to win in half a panel, because he’s the hero
Personally, I think it would be funny as all hell if Hero were to critique the character’s fighting style and weapons throughout their entire scuffle.
If Hero’s opinion of their weapons in storage and the look of that sword and spear in these guys hands are any clue, they might at least last longer then their weapons.
The spear looks sad and the sword looks like it’s seen better days too. Subpar equipment and thuggish guards, Hero doesn’t have anything to fear from these people. In fact, his last lines say it all. He’s literally questioning their skills and intelligence trying to use garbage to kill him.XD
Actually, the sword looks like it has a very ood edge to it, you may think that it is ‘flat’ but you are actually looking at the extra edge on the blade, making it sharper
Maybe its time for for some figting lessons, from the expert standing infront of them?
I can just hear the exasperated sigh. Gotta love a badass protagonist.
Actually Hero, their weapons are their own and totally functional, hows about they demonstrate on your spleen?