Two treats to announce today!
The first bit of news is that there’s a new piece of fan art by Celestial Feliness is up for everyone to see! Go take a look at it in the Fan Art section!
And second there’s also a new incentive up! It is one of my most recent commissions of the ladies of Evon caught in a bit of a, er, bind…. ^_^ (NSFW)
I’m gonna predict she takes out the remaining eye.
I believe that Hero will come with that “Here I come to save the day! ” look. 😉
Also that is a lovely incentive Brittany. It looks like two of them don’t mind being tied up. Though a certain female is staring at a pissed off kitty like what’s her problem.
“Sorry, I can’t come to the meeting; we’re all a bit tied up this afternoon”
Ummm …
“But I’ve Been second year students …. ”
Perhaps … seen ?
Or maybe it should have been “Beaten second year students”
I was thinking beaten……maybe?
is this where she turns all blue eyed super and lift her hand and blasts his smug butt though the wall ” ZORCH!!!!” him: I wasn’t exspecting that.. ” THUUD! her: ” you got my power the only way you ever will”
hero: ” im here to save. you…. nevermind”
I’ve never seen the appeal of bondage pics (particularly when I’ve just seen the last panel of today’s comic; Evon looks particularly unhappy), but whatever floats your commissioners’ boats.
Yeah, c’mon Evon, blow him away. Then Hero can show up and you two can get a kind of ping-pong thing going with Baron von Douchebag.
As for the incentive, nice use of rope. 🙂 Though Freya seems unimpressed.
Yeah, I can see Baron a-hole getting his sweet desert from Evon and maybe Hero too, as for the incentive, I would free all those sweeties and take them home with me, at least the ones that would come with me willingly.
Full facial fireball from Evon? please?
um . . . how about ‘evil twin’ Evon rips his head off??
I am so hoping for a wounded bird ploy here. “oh I’m helpless, you have so domin-” ZAP! sucker
This guy has done three things wrong:
First, he attacked Evon… she normally doesn’t take too kindly to that…
Second, he pissed off Hero… people die when you piss off Hero…
and Third, he’s let his guard down to monologue and taunt Evon….
Anyone who has ever read this comic, or heard of these two people know that you never do a single one of these things… to do all three is a surefire way to shorten your lifespan to seconds, not years.
nicely put. i agree.
Darn! I finally caught up with the current page. Not that I mind, but now I have to wait like with all my other comics I’m reading. (All nine or ten of them.)
Glad ya liked it. 🙂
Only 9 or 10 webics? You need to broaden your taste horizons 😛
I bet on her twin getting arriving now, and taking him out before Hero arrives..