Volume Four, Chapter 16, Page 622
on August 29, 2014
Todays incentive is a commission for maverickhunterdboy from FA of a skinny dipping Evon. Enjoy and have an awesome weekend!
Todays incentive is a commission for maverickhunterdboy from FA of a skinny dipping Evon. Enjoy and have an awesome weekend!
Either she’s playing rough or this is about to get ugly.
This is just her idea of foreplay.
Bow chicka bow wow!
Also, wondering whether she’s still trying to convince Hero she’s Evon, or if she’s that bloody insane. My money is on the latter.
Or both, both still makes sense. Yeah, she’s not doing a good job of the former, but, bloody insane, what do you want?
Actually, she’s correct… She’s Evon… an evil clone of evon with no restrictions… but evon none the less. Is it the evon that Hero wants? Nope! but he doesn’t really know that… heh
shit just got real
I doubt that Evee has a nice side. She has been used and abused for some time, so everyone is to be used in whatever way she feels fit to do with. And nice bare bear butt there for the incentive. Keep up the wonderful art and see you Monday.
And shit is about to go down.
Hmmm. I am now wondering. Obviously Posi-evon is more powerful in terms of magical strength but Negi-evon looks to be more powerful in terms of physical. I could be wrong as she might eventually become just as magically strong as good evon despite being an “imperfect clone”, in which case she will be a hassle even for Evon in terms of both physical and magical strength along with being brutal and destructive.
I guess THIS is when Hero gets stupid and tells her HOW he knows she is not Evon.
After all, Evee just proved beyond a doubt she isn’t.
“Really? Then show me your birth-mark!”
And for Hero, Evee brings new meaning to the phrase “cold-cock.”
Wow, I love Evee’s expression in the last panel, not sure if I’d be turned on or scared…
I’m a little of both…
I’m with ya on this! It’s like, “Wow, you’re cute in that psychotic kinda way…”
Hero gon’ get raaaaaaaped!
Actually, Hero looks like she just removed all doubt he had about her ‘non-idetity’. He KNOWS she isn’t Evon, now.
I find it interesting that Evee shows as much restraint as she does with Hero. This tends to confirm my suspicion that Evee is not just a clone of Evon, but is in fact a version of her without restraint.
This COULD work to everyone’s advantage, so long as they can keep from killing each other. Evee could learn restraint from Evon, Evon could learn control of her abilities, and Hero could wind up double teamed by both of them!
I’m not sure if I would pity him, or be envious of him…