Volume Four, Chapter 16, Page 624 Sep15 by BE Shepard on September 15, 2014 Chapter: Chapter Sixteen: Evee
The crazy bitch that looks like you. And is more evil. 😉
The boy should know better. If he thinks that he can intimidate Evon, he has another ass-kicking in his future.
BUM BUM BUUUMMM!!! evil twin!!
Hasn’t this guy ever watched James Bond?!
You never reveal everything about your plans, especially who you work with…
Oh. Wait… they’re in an alternate medieval fantasy universe…
Nevermind, my comment is invalid.
Yeah you’re alive! I wonder if Evon spent any time powering up her magic during her extended stay in her castle?
Probably, she did read those books about magic, surely her skill increased by at least a little.
Xenis might have read the same books, they are in what used to be his liberary.
Damn crazy bitches!
But then, I consider this guy one, too.
Don’t piss off one crazy bitch with talk about another crazy bitch doing things to her Hero!!
Damn straight! She’ll keeeeellll you!
You know, I feel like he is a distraction to give time for the old crone can be in position
What is that hanging out of Evon’s mouth? It looks like she’s been chewing on something. Is it a magic increasing herb or some such?