Looks like Evee’s made herself a new friend….
UPDATE 10/5: Thanks for your patience, guys, I’m feeling a lot better now! New Evon will be up about midday Monday!
UPDATE 9/29: Sorry guys, I’ve come down with a cold/flu/plague and am gonna have to put updates and other work on hold until I feel a little better :-/
Evee, you have a strange way of making friends. Quite a captive audience, there.
Someone take Hero a big box of bandages? Looks like he might need them.
Hero is in biiiiiiig trouble. With a capital E. ;3
Oh my god she’s a sadist…
looks like Hero got a few blows in, either that or she’s a masochist…
Not looking good for Hero.
I wonder if Evee shares Evon’s emotions, just without any kind of filter to keep her from acting of every thought and feeling. But Evee showing her teeth is horrific.
No one else picked up on the River Song vibe? o_O
I thought I was the only one.
Spoilers, dear.
I picked up on the Dr. Who joke. Evee and River Song must be twins, in an odd sort of way.
show of hand’s, who else is starting to thank Evee is just after her some rat lovin & that Evon going to find them while Evee is….enjoying, her captive audience ;3 if you catch my drift lol
Now that the foreplay is over (http://evoncomics.com/?comic=volume-four-chapter-16-page-622) the bondage can begin!
Oh man that is soooooo creepy
So she thinks she’s the original, cruelly tortured by a sadist while a fake was sent off with Hero and now seeks to have him as a captive audience as she attempts to convince him of the ‘truth’, which may or may not include some accidental or intentional mind control to force it onto him.
The Cabal have doomed us all.
Hope you feel better soon Brittany.
Hope you get well soon. Just dont go turning into a zombie. They dont have the fine motor skills required to draw. Cant wait to see what happens! Cmon Evon, Hero needs help!
Everybody get your flu shots.
I have never posted on one of these things. So, over the last 2 days I read the entire comic as well as most of the comments and extras. I must say, It was a very pleasant journey. The comic was good, but to see the progression of the art as well as the artist over the last 8 years was incredible. thanks.
ooops 6 not 8. Anyway, good stuff.
Thanks for reading! 🙂 But why do I feel old?
Sorry for the lack of updates. Both Britt and I have been sick this week. I want to blame her as we both have pretty much the same symptoms and she had it first. But since we’ve never actually been within a thousand miles of each other it makes it rather hard to blame her.
Haven’t you heard of Computer Viruses?
Hope you’re both feeling better soon!
Both of you, head to Findlay Market and order a large bowl of pho from Pho Lang Thang. It’ s Vietnamese penicillin, good for when the flu lays you low.
Unfortunately Mr Wax is a few thousand miles from Findley Market and won’t be able to make it. I, on the other hand, just finished my grocery shopping there 🙂
Oddly, it doesn’t look like Hero has taken anymore than a few bumps and bruises, although his clothes seem a bit torn. My guess? I think she knocked him out magically, then levitate him back to the cave. His clothes got caught and torn on the branches, but Evee isn’t really too worried about that, as she doesn’t intend on him remaining dressed much longer anyway.
On the other hand, if Evon and Evee can keep form killing each other and learn to work together as sisters, I seriously doubt that there would be ANYTHING that could stop them from pretty much doing whatever they want. Besides, if they can get along as sisters, I’m pretty sure that they wouldn’t mind sharing Hero with each other.
If that happens, congratulations Hero! Hope you can live through the experience! If not, I’m gonna miss Evee.