This week was a lot busier for me than I thought it would be (I’m still trying to figure out how I got snookered into doing all the Thanksgiving cooking… -_-). I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday and spending time with their families. Mr Wax and I are hanging out with our own families and will return next week 🙂
Happy Thanksgiving!
The magic is strong in this one.
Evon has a thing for pushing opponents off/out of high places, doesn’t she?
It can be a good thing to have a Friend in High Places…
but not always!
One of these days she is gonna learn to finish off her foes where she can guarantee their deaths.
Now she gets to experience the tried and true exit from battle with Evon…
either that or a short Fly spell…
Friends in high places are great, but enemies in high places are murder . . .
So much for being an “improvement.”
Do not taunt Happy Fun Evon!
*Begins playing theme to “Rocky”*
Well sense there is no window maybe she might actual not survive, personal I was expecting Hero to have untied himself and stop her, but hehe, this will work :3
Okay, say what you will, but “Fist Beams” are an awesome way to beat an opponent.
Classic move by Evon: when the opponent is staggering, blow them over… the edge of a cliff
In this case we already know she has a levitation spell.
So she won’t even suffer the standard ‘roughing up’ Evon opponents get? Shucks.
To quote I hate cheap knock offs
Now, I should have seen that one coming. LOL
Oh my god I didn’t even think of that! Funny ass crap right there lol
I know right! The perfect unintentional set up!
That or the scene where the Spartans knock the Persians off the cliff.
I wonder if Evee knows a flying spell, after having dealt with a couple others that went out of a window.
It’s guaranteed and without an ounce of doubt… 😛
Sadly, I fear this went far too fast and easy for Evon, Evee is no pushover and is quite ruthless & only too eager to employ deception as a weapon of choice.
Watch your Back, oh Mistress of Magic, for the forces of darkness have not been vanquished just yet.
give her the ‘ol One Two!
Frost: congratulations Evon, you just won your battle with your dark half, announcer tell her what she’s won
Announcer: Well Frost Evon get’s to the play the knight in shining armor & rescue the damsel in distress who is tied up in a cave with…his…pants down….hmm -^.^- welp have fun with that love bird ;3 lol
*snort* bwahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!
I forgot that Evee knows a levitation spell. Flying spell? If it’s the latter I’m thinking Evon might have an attack from behind coming…Unless she’s learned by now to confirm the kill. With how many people she’s knocked out of or off of high places, that have come back to nip at her heels later, I should hope she’s learned that and is waiting near the cliff to knock Evee back down in comedic fashion…Now the question is, will it be an attack from behind, Evon has become genre savvy, or take a third option and Evee makes a tactical retreat ala Gamera to plot a fresh attack plan?
And as I said before. Here comes the BOOM!!!!
been awhile since i commented. just wanted to say i like the new voting incentive. is that Hero and Evon’s children? XD
Yes, they are.
Who’s idea was it for their coloring?
Their grandparents?
I decided on their coloring. I figured that I would make them a blend of their parents coloring. 🙂
i do like the overall design of the daughter better…though maybe that’s cause i’m a guy XD
I remember that the young fellow is portrayed as 2 to 3 years younger than his his sister, so that would put him in his middle teens: that awkward time of transitioning out of boyhood to manhood. Give him some time to grow and develop some more and he’ll look much more like his father.
Oh, I already knew the what, I just didn’t know the who. x3 It makes perfect sense to have them be a blend of their parents’ colors, I just didn’t know who’s idea it was to go with that particular color scheme. =3
Hero gets free of the ropes, pants up, runs to the edge of the cliff to shout down “Your @$$ just got knocked the **** out!”
Poor Evee, we hardly knew you…
I doubt Even would have minded sharing Hero with a ‘bad girl’ sister copy of herself, but an Evil girl version? A bit too much, I think…
Today is November 28th. Brit’s birthday. Yey!
happy birthday Ms. Shepard ^^
Happy b-day Brit, I’m expecting that Evon will go into the cave and find hero still tied up, perhaps with fewer clothes on (Sans shirt), for some reason I feel Evee likes foreplay, and he mistakes her for Evee at first.
Evee: ‘I will be back’…
The authors of this comic just love too see people fall down from high places.