I agree with everyone. Evon should confide in him on the premonition she saw in her dream. If anything, it might put the pieces of the “Hero dumps bitchy princess” puzzle together.
I don’t think Hero would do that. He’s the kind of character that wouldn’t do that because it isn’t honorable. However, me might be a party to convincing her to call it off.
And the response would be a big fat NO!
Belvedere to the rescue! Wondering where that rascally rabbit got off to…
The solution to everything, I nice hot cup of tea!
Could this be another dream?
Talk to him, you can trust him
More than anyone except, perhaps, Hero.
Possibly moreso than Hero, at least in this instance
She got ma’am’d instead of miss’d! Our Evon is finally growing up, heh.
Or it could be the fact that Hero did induct her into his house as a family member, and Belvedere just changed the social tittle to reflect that.
And my favorite character is back. Sporting a slightly new design too. 🙂 But I do kinda miss the cravat.
hehe the ONE person she can trust,, an i think he likes her, he definitely don’t like princess .!
I agree with everyone. Evon should confide in him on the premonition she saw in her dream. If anything, it might put the pieces of the “Hero dumps bitchy princess” puzzle together.
I don’t think Hero would do that. He’s the kind of character that wouldn’t do that because it isn’t honorable. However, me might be a party to convincing her to call it off.
Best butler of the year award goes to..belvidier!