Volume Four, Chapter 18, Page 713 Aug26 by BE Shepard on August 26, 2016 Chapter: Chapter Eighteen: The Witch Hunter & The Winter Wedding
Uh oh! This REALLY doesn’t look good for Evon.
i’m still hoping she awakens to find him dead some how…
Well you did attack him Evon, even if it was self-defense.
Hmmm. One wonders if this will be the catalyst that Hero needs to admit what everyone already knows in regards to his and Evon’s feelings for each other…
Cue Hero riding in and kicking this dude’s ass in 3…2…1…
This guy needs a grade A ass-kicking, pronto.
i wonder if he’ll have second thoughts about Evon being described as “Evil” by the princess, since this fight seemed pretty easy for him.
you can be the most evil person in the world and still be a wimp in a fight. alignment doesn’t equal fighting skill =/
I suspect Evon is going to turn up missing. Hero is going to only learn via Belvedere and some pointed questions towards his fiancee…