looks like the “princess’ is going to have a few new holes added to her body… Belvidier wound up very cross at all this and since he didn’t take it out on the hunter SOMEONE”S got to pay for this mess.. I’m sure him having to go rescue evee has thrown the whole days schedual off and is going to make everything late now .. like dinner…
Considering that (1) that Belvidiers’ nice, neat house hold disrupted and (2) the guest that he “does” like has been both attacked and even injured. I’m rather certain that considering the ‘net work’ available to him for information and ‘action’, what the consequences for the person his ire is aimed at will ‘feel’ it in ways that will be long lasting and ‘painful’ in ways most deserving!
Jealous, perhaps, but not treasonous. She’s never pretended to befriend Evon ‘to’ betray her. She’s an amoral creature for whom the end justifies the means, and if she can get personal enjoyment/satisfaction along the way, so much the better. Were she not royalty, her behavior would have gotten her slapped down several times already, but at this point she’s sure she can get away with pretty much anything she wants.
Belvidier is about to address that with her, we all assume and hope.
being that he’s a butler ,, he will tell daddy what his little princess was up to:: no sir not my place to tell you how to run your house.!
more likely AFTER ,, telling her what he will do to her in addition to spanking her @$$
I’m surprised no one’s commented on the latest little detail we learn regarding Belvidier, namely that while Hero, a seasoned warrior, was easily defeated by a simple misdirection spell his manservant was not. Either he was immune to the spell or easily recognized it and had the meant to counter it, either way it contributes another bit of information regarding just how much a retired badass he is.
Heh.. I could just see Belvidier with a small whisk broom and a matching dust pan beating the snot out of that hunter!
All while chastising him for the mess that he made.
LOL. Me, too.
The most awesome mental image ever.
oooh, looks like someones in trooouublleeee~
Had to go get the broom before having a chat with Cleo.
ROFLMAO. I was thinking the same thing.
seems our favorite butler has a unique past and story to tell.
looks like the “princess’ is going to have a few new holes added to her body… Belvidier wound up very cross at all this and since he didn’t take it out on the hunter SOMEONE”S got to pay for this mess.. I’m sure him having to go rescue evee has thrown the whole days schedual off and is going to make everything late now .. like dinner…
Considering that (1) that Belvidiers’ nice, neat house hold disrupted and (2) the guest that he “does” like has been both attacked and even injured. I’m rather certain that considering the ‘net work’ available to him for information and ‘action’, what the consequences for the person his ire is aimed at will ‘feel’ it in ways that will be long lasting and ‘painful’ in ways most deserving!
HA! Belvidier is about to go “Game of Thrones” on Hero’s treasonous fiancee.
Jealous, perhaps, but not treasonous. She’s never pretended to befriend Evon ‘to’ betray her. She’s an amoral creature for whom the end justifies the means, and if she can get personal enjoyment/satisfaction along the way, so much the better. Were she not royalty, her behavior would have gotten her slapped down several times already, but at this point she’s sure she can get away with pretty much anything she wants.
Belvidier is about to address that with her, we all assume and hope.
Cleo isn’t even pretending she’ll be loyal to Hero, so yeah, I have no problem seeing her kicked into to the gutter and curb-stomped.
Wait, did he actually say “Something“? or did he say “Someone“?
being that he’s a butler ,, he will tell daddy what his little princess was up to:: no sir not my place to tell you how to run your house.!
more likely AFTER ,, telling her what he will do to her in addition to spanking her @$$
Oh oh…. I suspect a demonic bitch of royal blood is about to receive a guest..
One she will never forget, if she survives the visit.
I’m REALLY starting to like our quiet butler.
Properly done, bruises can have the most delightful display of shades and color… she’s going to be the talk of the town…
I’m surprised no one’s commented on the latest little detail we learn regarding Belvidier, namely that while Hero, a seasoned warrior, was easily defeated by a simple misdirection spell his manservant was not. Either he was immune to the spell or easily recognized it and had the meant to counter it, either way it contributes another bit of information regarding just how much a retired badass he is.