Hmmph, me thinks that dear Evon is a little to used to the idea of the adventure and excitement on a regular basis. I would love to see how she feels about such ‘activities’ when she has few children of her own to take care of. Or even latter in life when the mind might be saying “Lets go!”, but the body is screaming “What the hell are you thinking!”
sigh… She might as well have said “What’s the worst that could happen?”
Britt probably knows just how cliché that question is.
I do really like Britt’s adaptation of my map on this page. But I do trees better. 😀
Road trip! Where every great adventuring team yearns to be.
Be careful about the road outside your door. If you are not careful it can lead you anywhere. Even to Rome.
Hmmph, me thinks that dear Evon is a little to used to the idea of the adventure and excitement on a regular basis. I would love to see how she feels about such ‘activities’ when she has few children of her own to take care of. Or even latter in life when the mind might be saying “Lets go!”, but the body is screaming “What the hell are you thinking!”