There are 14 days left in the Evon pin Kickstarter and it’s currently 25% funded! There’s still time to fund the project to get the pins made and, unfortunately, if it goes unfunded then there won’t be any pins! Pick one up while there’s still time!
There are 14 days left in the Evon pin Kickstarter and it’s currently 25% funded! There’s still time to fund the project to get the pins made and, unfortunately, if it goes unfunded then there won’t be any pins! Pick one up while there’s still time!
Well well lets see where this goes
TVtropes callout?
Remember Hero, if mama isn’t happy, no one is happy
Is anyone else suspecting Venir (and his condition) and the situation in the Deep Lands are connected?
I th8nk him and the title of this chapter are connected
Hero just gave her a reason to “stick close” to him 😉
They both remember their last meeting, even if Venir doesn´t.