I hope all you peeps had an awesome week! Todays incentive sketch is another Evon sketch (slightly NSFW). Have a good weekend!
I hope all you peeps had an awesome week! Todays incentive sketch is another Evon sketch (slightly NSFW). Have a good weekend!
Sigh, Evon. Just sigh. >_<
I guess with all of Hero’s gifts, he had to take a flaw somewhere. I’m guessing “Reading Women” was it.
If the storyteller knows what he/she is doing, they do write flaws into their characters (even the good guys), as it makes the characters more sympathetic (and thereby believable) to the reader.
She… didn’t have the courage? 🙁
When revealing her true feelings to Hero? No, but Evon also realizes that now is not the time. She realizes that the mission comes first, then her feelings.
Okay, Hero, you’re up. If you’re not using separate beds, give Evon a hug or hold her as she falls asleep. Let her know you’re there for her, even if the mission comes first.
It looks like there’s two beds in the third panel. You can tell because there are two (slightly) different colors for the beds.
Just… hero… http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/540/811/e45.png
Well, technically, no. I believe that is the problem.
Oh Evon, you chickened out.
Sigh. Evon, you ‘know’ Hero isn’t going to make the first move, now that he’s all betrothed and all. He doesn’t want to put you in the position of being the ‘mistress’. You need to pin the boy down, and let him know you accept being the mistress, as long as you are HIS mistress.