Two weeks later:
Evon: “Hmm… I have these strange cravings, my hair looks amazing, and I’ve been really good lately. I hope this lasts…”
Belvider: “Oh, it should… for another eight months or so…”
Evon walks by munching on an apple
Belvider: “or until the morning sickness hits.”
I tend to agree with you and McClaw in the comments below. Evon’s injuries were severe (she nearly died from her wounds), and as McClaw points out, the body needs extra nourishment to recover. Notice that Belvidier points out that Evon now requires little help to get around.
The idea that Evon might be pregnant is intriguing, but unlikely. When would it have happened? Who (or what, if magic were involved) would be the father?
I know from experience that it takes time to recover from anything that saps your strength, and physical wounds do that in spades. It takes food to restock those reserves, although water and physical activity are also needed to make sure it goes to the right places.
And after serious injuries or sickness, it can often be hard to eat enough to keep up with the body’s needs getting queasy. Not to mention the fact that she was unconscious for an extended period. Prior to modern medicine and things like IV’s it was almost impossible to supply enough nutrition to such a person.
So she has basically been stuck in a fast at the same time her body was trying to repair itself.
Actually they look like old style bread rolls. A lot of medieval ‘small Fred’s (as it was often called back then) was made with cuts in the top so it would puff out on top like that.
I like to think she’s hungry not just because of her recovery but because of all the loud, wild, sweaty, toe curling, hair pulling, bed breaking sex she has been having with Hero.
Two weeks later:
Evon: “Hmm… I have these strange cravings, my hair looks amazing, and I’ve been really good lately. I hope this lasts…”
Belvider: “Oh, it should… for another eight months or so…”
Evon walks by munching on an apple
Belvider: “or until the morning sickness hits.”
Usually the first signs of “morning sickness” would be increased hunger, and ironically, nausea during the first trimester.
We may be jumping to conclusions here. If Evon is indeed pregnant, then who is the father?
It could be that Evon just hasn’t been eating on a regular schedule, so naturally, she’s hungry.
Plus, the requirements of the body during healing can lead to increased appetite.
I tend to agree with you and McClaw in the comments below. Evon’s injuries were severe (she nearly died from her wounds), and as McClaw points out, the body needs extra nourishment to recover. Notice that Belvidier points out that Evon now requires little help to get around.
Let’s not forget that the comic DID show Evon having sex on page(s) once before, so I doubt BE and Mr.Wax would intentionally withhold that from us.
The caption for today’s incentive is, “You say ‘Bitch’ like it’s a bad thing.”
The last time someone sang this song here it was accompanied by mass murder. This time, thankfully, it is only Evon murdering a batch of muffins.
The idea that Evon might be pregnant is intriguing, but unlikely. When would it have happened? Who (or what, if magic were involved) would be the father?
I know from experience that it takes time to recover from anything that saps your strength, and physical wounds do that in spades. It takes food to restock those reserves, although water and physical activity are also needed to make sure it goes to the right places.
And after serious injuries or sickness, it can often be hard to eat enough to keep up with the body’s needs getting queasy. Not to mention the fact that she was unconscious for an extended period. Prior to modern medicine and things like IV’s it was almost impossible to supply enough nutrition to such a person.
So she has basically been stuck in a fast at the same time her body was trying to repair itself.
*without getting queasy.
And most importantly, muffins!
And who can resist: Muffins! 🙂
They don’t look like muffins to me, more like mince pies (your choice of filling)
Actually they look like old style bread rolls. A lot of medieval ‘small Fred’s (as it was often called back then) was made with cuts in the top so it would puff out on top like that.
I like to think she’s hungry not just because of her recovery but because of all the loud, wild, sweaty, toe curling, hair pulling, bed breaking sex she has been having with Hero.
Perhaps you could contact the artist and commission (actually pay for) such a piece as you describe? Might be worth joining her Patreon?
That song that Evon is singing brings back memories of my childhood. Disney Robin Hood (animated) was one of the best.
Noticed that too, one of my all time favorite Disney films.
Interesting….appears Evon is singing a version of the song from Disney’s animated Robin Hood, as performed by the late great Roger Miller…
Evee was also singing that song as she was leaving Legune´s lab in shambles.