It’s Friday, y’all! Yesterday happened to be Mr. Wax’s birthday so lets take a moment to offer him a very happy belated birthday!
Today’s incentive is 3 of 3 of Forever (NSFW) Enjoy and have a great weekend!
It’s Friday, y’all! Yesterday happened to be Mr. Wax’s birthday so lets take a moment to offer him a very happy belated birthday!
Today’s incentive is 3 of 3 of Forever (NSFW) Enjoy and have a great weekend!
Evon–you chickened out!
Chicken? Who are you calling chicken ?
Happy Birthday, Mr. Wax! Hope you got plenty of horrible-for-you foodstuffs and copious drinks. 🙂
(And dangit, Evon.)
Well, only one beer, but lots of not good for me food. 😀
First off, Happy Birthday Mr. Wax! I personally think you should make it a full weekend celebration! May the best and greatest of last year’s gifts be the least of the coming year’s!!!
As for the comic…
Damn it, Evon!!!! I am now so despondent that I’m unconcerned with the cat chewing and grooming my beard. 🙁
Among my favorite band of Usual Suspects is the following which we inflict on each other annually:
Did we miss Forever Page 2? o_O
No. A link to the second page of Forever was posted during the previous update to the main comic (there was a delay), so you may have missed it.
Found it shortly after posting, folder stores files in random order 🙁
Well that went about as expected. Actually I expected evil sorcerer/sorceress to pop out of the wood work and a battle starting, but in all honesty that was probably like 100x worse… So any rando magic user wanna pop out and make this a whole lot less awkward.
Gotta love it when you shoot yourself in the paw…
Happy b-day Mr. Waxxy!
Why the he double hockey sticks did auto correct change a dang ? to a . ?!?!?! Oi vey…
Oh Evon we are all disappoint. She should have just.said it. I mean it might be nice to have sex that’s not incest or attempted rape.
Well, a belated Happy Birthday to you, Mr. Wax. I hope you enjoyed it as much as you possibly wanted to.
Isn’t it about time for the attack of the water monster?