She should start by setting all the books here on fire. Let him try and deal with that while still fending off her magical attacks. If that doesn’t work then just make everyone as miserable as possible. Break everything in arms reach. Scratch and bite anyone in range. Make it clear any moment of quiet or safety will come at a hefty price.
Actually I have a impression that when He said “Welcome home…” that he transported them to her castle. Which is doubly disturbing, because how did he find out about it, how long has he been there and how much of her library has he read?
Is it just me, or does there seem to be a shortage of instantly-lethal magics in this world? I’m not even talking something dramatic like disintegration or life-stealing, but if you were to, say, put a hole the size of a fist or larger through someone or set them on fire, chances are good they’re not going to survive that. This light-show telekinesis that Evon and Maximus have been tossing around, significantly less dangerous.
She should start by setting all the books here on fire. Let him try and deal with that while still fending off her magical attacks. If that doesn’t work then just make everyone as miserable as possible. Break everything in arms reach. Scratch and bite anyone in range. Make it clear any moment of quiet or safety will come at a hefty price.
I think Evon should start by setting Maximus on fire instead… 🙂
what ever gave you that idea moron
… I wonder if she’s going to throw him out the window?
Defenestration: It’s not just for Prague anymore.
Throw Mama from the Train
Actually I have a impression that when He said “Welcome home…” that he transported them to her castle. Which is doubly disturbing, because how did he find out about it, how long has he been there and how much of her library has he read?
Geee, ya think? Now why couldn’t she have done that back at the lake?
Because he was ready for her at the lake, and she didn’t try a purely physical attack there?
ehh maybe he’s weak after a teleportation spell and couldn’t defend otherwise she let hero fucking die.
Is it just me, or does there seem to be a shortage of instantly-lethal magics in this world? I’m not even talking something dramatic like disintegration or life-stealing, but if you were to, say, put a hole the size of a fist or larger through someone or set them on fire, chances are good they’re not going to survive that. This light-show telekinesis that Evon and Maximus have been tossing around, significantly less dangerous.
“Ow. Right, you’re still pissed.” Ya think, DiNozzo?