Happy Friday, my dears! I hope everyone had a good week 🙂 Today‘s incentive is a Patreon request from Reever of his OC gals Vice and Versa ready to be unwrapped for Christmas (slightly NSFW)
Have a great weekend!
Happy Friday, my dears! I hope everyone had a good week 🙂 Today‘s incentive is a Patreon request from Reever of his OC gals Vice and Versa ready to be unwrapped for Christmas (slightly NSFW)
Have a great weekend!
Didn’t Evee have some very specific ideas about what she wanted from Hero?
…Yeah this can only end well.
I was going to say something like that.
Waaaiiit a minute. How does Belvidier know where to find Evee? And her name.
Well…of course the obvious answer is “Because he’s Belvidier” But I can’t help but wonder…
Is THAT picture of Belvidier & Evee…canon?
Why Mr.B, you Hound!
Once Belvidier learned that Evee existed and might be a threat to his employer/lord (i.e. Hero), you can bet he used his sources to find and keep track of her. Remember that “Mr. B.” isn’t just a servant, he’s a butler — head of staff, probably castellan, caretaker and guardian of the estate (and all within), basically the CEO (second only to the owner) of Hero’s estate. Knowing and organizing things is his job, and he does it with aplomb.
Oh boy this is going to get spicy. Though Evee and Evon may start acting like sisters after this, maybe.
Oh he WILL convince her. Now matter how much loud, rough, violent sex it takes he will convince her.
That SMILE, I fear is one night going to haunt my sleep so deeply I wake wondering if all my body parts are still attached or if my soul is still all there.
As for the breathe and depth of Belvidier knowledge base? Quite possible enough to make the Cabal very nervous!!
Was gonna say: that’s a smile a shark (or a crocodile) would love to have 😀
And once again belvedier is proving one thing: Knowledge is power. I very much like his character.