Volume Four, Chapter 21, Page 870
Sorry for missing last weeks update! My back is finally feeling better enough that I can sit at my desk for long periods of time 🙂
Today‘s incentive is a Patreon request from ShadowDath of his dino gals (NSFW)
Y’all stay safe and wash your hands!
I think she’s gonna help!
And that is when Hero probably just shrugs and leaves. If she doesn’t want to help, he shouldn’t need to beg.
It’s amazing how much someone will beg if their loved one is in danger.
No worries about missing an update due to health issues, please keep you and yours safe during this global time
Oh, she considers them sisters, and not herself as a clone, interesting…
I may be misreading between the lines here, but–Evee may still want revenge against the Cabal, but she’s not about to do it for Evon’s sake. It may all depend on whether she can have Hero all to herself (or, if she can’t have Hero, then deliver him into the hands of the Cabal).
It’s a healthier perspective than thinking she is Evon.
I think Evee is just pissed she can’t have Hero. Revenge would be a good thing to her but that whole Hero/Evon thing just doesn’t set right, even if Evee considers them “Sisters.”
She does not look pleased.
The enemy of your enemy is -not- automatically your friend.
And unless Hiro can come up with more than ‘please’, Evee has more to lose than gain by helping him. Cabal and Evee leaving each other alone? Check. Nice life for herself? Check. Losing both if she helps Hiro? Check.
At minimum, Hiro is going to need to offer up spending serious time with Evee should they succeed.