Volume Four, Chapter 21, Page 903
I hope everyone had a good week 🙂
Todays vote incentive is a Patreon request of Gadget from Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers cleaning up after a long day (NSFW)
Have a great weekend and stay safe!
I hope everyone had a good week 🙂
Todays vote incentive is a Patreon request of Gadget from Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers cleaning up after a long day (NSFW)
Have a great weekend and stay safe!
He’s in more danger now than before.
Great Gadget, Miss B! Always a classic.
Ooof…. The fist is on the other cheek this time. Hang in there Hero!
While I commend a guy’s chivalry about hitting a woman, there are times a guy needs to forget said chivalry and knock the **** out of one. Hero, this is one of those times.
Who says he hasn’t tried?
For the sake of Evon and Evee!
Come on, Hero! Man up, dude!
Geez, He just recovered from the last beat-down.
he may not want to kill her but he can knock her out
Martial Arts Mouse!