The committee of Magical Lexicographers has been deadlocked for years on the proper name for extremely rare magic users like Evon. Until they issue an official decision, we’ll just have to make due with nonce words.
To clarify:
– One one hand, such magic users, when participating to a group casting, will massively amplify the spell regardless their own casting ability, leading to the ‘Focus’ name.
– On the other hand, properly trained, the same magic users usualy gain powers orders of magnitude stronger than any other mages, leading to the ‘Force’ name.
I love how her eyes look so creepy and not perfect in the last panel
I though Evon was called the Force not the focus….
The committee of Magical Lexicographers has been deadlocked for years on the proper name for extremely rare magic users like Evon. Until they issue an official decision, we’ll just have to make due with nonce words.
To clarify:
– One one hand, such magic users, when participating to a group casting, will massively amplify the spell regardless their own casting ability, leading to the ‘Focus’ name.
– On the other hand, properly trained, the same magic users usualy gain powers orders of magnitude stronger than any other mages, leading to the ‘Force’ name.
Your right those eyes ARE creepy~
they look derped
The last panel… the eyes are a little ‘derp’ed.
She ate too many tacos in the last panel.