This worst thing about ‘good guys’ is their lousy follow through. They already know that this person, by her own admission, is trying to kill/capture the kid. They also know that the Blank killed at least three people and was summoned by the Necromancer. So why, oh WHY do they not just kill the bitch? Idiots!
‘Cause that would ruin the plot, that’s why. It’s a pain to always kill off the evildoers, cause then you just have to create more, and more often than not, make them worse than the one the protagonists just vanquished.
Plus, it’s not that climatic to kill off a major boss in the first meeting, right? That’s just not how these things are done.
Though I do agree with you, sometimes these people just need to go die in a hole somewhere. 🙂
Because at this point they have many more questions than answers. It is, therefore, smart (and, arguably, in their best interest) to keep her alive for interrogation.
What we need is good guys that understand the necessity of so-called mindless killing once in a while, especially when they are mindlessly killing someone that is trying to mindlessly kill them.
This worst thing about ‘good guys’ is their lousy follow through. They already know that this person, by her own admission, is trying to kill/capture the kid. They also know that the Blank killed at least three people and was summoned by the Necromancer. So why, oh WHY do they not just kill the bitch? Idiots!
‘Cause that would ruin the plot, that’s why. It’s a pain to always kill off the evildoers, cause then you just have to create more, and more often than not, make them worse than the one the protagonists just vanquished.
Plus, it’s not that climatic to kill off a major boss in the first meeting, right? That’s just not how these things are done.
Though I do agree with you, sometimes these people just need to go die in a hole somewhere. 🙂
Because at this point they have many more questions than answers. It is, therefore, smart (and, arguably, in their best interest) to keep her alive for interrogation.
Can they kill her?
The apparent release could well be a threat display: You’re not important enough to kill.
Because they are good characters and don’t belive in mindless killing?
What we need is good guys that understand the necessity of so-called mindless killing once in a while, especially when they are mindlessly killing someone that is trying to mindlessly kill them.
Damn, now shes a recurring character.