Typical female there. She runs out on him and its his fault she was bathing nude out in the open when he came looking for her.
Haha! Its sad, but true!
Indeed. And hey, she should be thankful it was him. Imagine if it was some pervert trying to get lucky.
Always remember, if something doesn’t go the way a woman wants and a man is around, it’s all his fault.
XD I think if I ran out like an idiot in the middle of the night and the guy I thought was hot suddenly found me bathing nude and didn’t say anything mean or stupid, I’d be all too happy to just pretend it didn’t happen and move on. XP
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Typical female there. She runs out on him and its his fault she was bathing nude out in the open when he came looking for her.
Haha! Its sad, but true!
Indeed. And hey, she should be thankful it was him. Imagine if it was some pervert trying to get lucky.
Always remember, if something doesn’t go the way a woman wants and a man is around, it’s all his fault.
XD I think if I ran out like an idiot in the middle of the night and the guy I thought was hot suddenly found me bathing nude and didn’t say anything mean or stupid, I’d be all too happy to just pretend it didn’t happen and move on. XP