Cue the next kidnapping attempt.
Panel 3– I spy Frollo’s hat from The Hunchback of Notre Dame! xD
What oddly primitive sailing ships for a society with magic…
Those look like galleys or dromons to me, which were real Medieval ships (and very effective ones at that). Bigger, sleeker ships will come with the invention of gunpowder and the increased use of the lanteen sail.
They really should have thought of disguising her more.
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Cue the next kidnapping attempt.
Panel 3– I spy Frollo’s hat from The Hunchback of Notre Dame! xD
What oddly primitive sailing ships for a society with magic…
Those look like galleys or dromons to me, which were real Medieval ships (and very effective ones at that). Bigger, sleeker ships will come with the invention of gunpowder and the increased use of the lanteen sail.
They really should have thought of disguising her more.