You’re not there for you…
Da, shes there for de boys who wish to stare comrade, o,….,o
So much /hair/. O.o Right up there with Ariel, and Jasmine, if she ever undid her hair. o_o
Those clothes are almost as bad as holloween costumes
Yes let’s take many sexy poses and add adorable bear face to them.
A lot of showy costumes… for someone who got offended by a peak in he bath 😉
LOL. Typical.
It does make me wonder. Were thongs popular in this time period?
I think the author just wanted an excuse to so some fanservice
Pssh. Nothing needs protection when you can show off your breasts and hindquarters ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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You’re not there for you…
Da, shes there for de boys who wish to stare comrade, o,….,o
So much /hair/. O.o Right up there with Ariel, and Jasmine, if she ever undid her hair. o_o
Those clothes are almost as bad as holloween costumes
Yes let’s take many sexy poses and add adorable bear face to them.
A lot of showy costumes… for someone who got offended by a peak in he bath 😉
LOL. Typical.
It does make me wonder. Were thongs popular in this time period?
I think the author just wanted an excuse to so some fanservice
Pssh. Nothing needs protection when you can show off your breasts and hindquarters ¯\_(ツ)_/¯