I LOVE IT! Venir’s assholiness has put him in the position of losing his friend and being looked upon as a spy by those he thought could benefit him. Oh hell yes Karma, turn the spit, rake the coals and ladle on the basting. We are about to have roast Venir for dinner.
AH HA, I thought something like this would happen, and now he’s got no one to save his ass, can’t wait to see what happens next. By the way, this story and art work is really captivating and just keeps me wanting more.
Pretty dangerous for a spying ploy. If they do know exactly where Evon and Hero are, then they know he’s telling the truth. If he didn’t know that they knew, then he’d still be selling out his companions, spying or not. What’s the point of being a spy if your allies get captured, anyway?
Of course, that still could be something Shakar would do, heh.
This is going to turn out funny if Hero and Evon have to rescue him.
I honestly didn’t see this happening. Sure, I thought there might be an outcome where they didn’t believe him, but since they said they already knew where she was that put the kaibosh on that, but I never thought they’d think he was a spy. If he was a spy, he’d be the lousiest spy ever. What kind of spy would actually sell out his friends by revealing their exact location? He’d be more likely to say he knew where they were going, and not where they were, so they could set up a trap. Telling them where they are right now serves nothing, other than to sell them out. I just think Shakar’s trying to have some fun.
Looks like Venir is about to get his Comeupants
Yup. Karma’a a bitch…Buy now, pay for eternity…
Karma is a bitch ain’t it Venir?
Don’t say Hero didn’t warn you.
I LOVE IT! Venir’s assholiness has put him in the position of losing his friend and being looked upon as a spy by those he thought could benefit him. Oh hell yes Karma, turn the spit, rake the coals and ladle on the basting. We are about to have roast Venir for dinner.
AH HA, I thought something like this would happen, and now he’s got no one to save his ass, can’t wait to see what happens next. By the way, this story and art work is really captivating and just keeps me wanting more.
Pretty dangerous for a spying ploy. If they do know exactly where Evon and Hero are, then they know he’s telling the truth. If he didn’t know that they knew, then he’d still be selling out his companions, spying or not. What’s the point of being a spy if your allies get captured, anyway?
Of course, that still could be something Shakar would do, heh.
This is going to turn out funny if Hero and Evon have to rescue him.
I can’t see either one caring enough to save Venir at this time.
I honestly didn’t see this happening. Sure, I thought there might be an outcome where they didn’t believe him, but since they said they already knew where she was that put the kaibosh on that, but I never thought they’d think he was a spy. If he was a spy, he’d be the lousiest spy ever. What kind of spy would actually sell out his friends by revealing their exact location? He’d be more likely to say he knew where they were going, and not where they were, so they could set up a trap. Telling them where they are right now serves nothing, other than to sell them out. I just think Shakar’s trying to have some fun.