Any doubts I had that Clone!Evon has Evon’s memory were erased when she picked the lock on her drap. Presumably she also has Evon’s memories of sword training, though why she wants it, given what she just did without it, is another question.
And yet another question is why, given those memories and Legune’s treatment of her, it took her so long to kill him….
He likely never told her to show him what she felt about him prior to that, whatever enslaving control inhibitors she had couldn’t deal with the stupid.
Not really, but always better to have clothing that a little too big, rather than have no clothing at all… unless you like walking around totally nude.
In all honesty, just one of their shirts probably could fit her as a short dress. Of course, she might know where some clothing that would fit her happens to be. In that case, I could see her still wandering around nude… also the psychological advantage of distraction.
As a counter point – those clothes smell of their former occupants, and were I the clone, the scent of any guy near me would be a serious “Oh gods no” sort of reaction at this particular instance.
The words to my fly killing song are echoing through my head as she hums: ” I’m going to kill you, not going to thrill you. I’m a going to kill you, never going to thrill you”.
Nega-Evon sure is happy that she’s whistling while she works/kills. (Kudos if any get that reference.) Though what’s really scary is the la la song might be that smurf song, now that’s truely evil. (*@-@*)
Of course, now I’ll never be able to hear the Banana Splits theme without thinking of sword wielding, bloodied, naked bears with Hoplite swords. It’s not like I wasn’t messed up enough as is…
Gee, thank you, Mr. Wax. No I realize without a doubt I am old. Well played. My only consolation is to know that you, good sir, are old enough to remember that as well.
“Just whistle while you work”, “heigh ho, heigh ho it’s off to work I go”. Oh yeah, she’s definatly beauty & the beast all rolled up into one. Wonder how long it took her to kill all of them. Love that wicked happy smile while singing in the last panel.
Oh this soooo reminds me of dead space that game was scary. >.<
fuck yeah ^^
It went from Scary (dead space 1) to jump scares (dead space 2) to just being a shooter (dead space 3). this is exactly how Resident Evil fell
Any doubts I had that Clone!Evon has Evon’s memory were erased when she picked the lock on her drap. Presumably she also has Evon’s memories of sword training, though why she wants it, given what she just did without it, is another question.
And yet another question is why, given those memories and Legune’s treatment of her, it took her so long to kill him….
He likely never told her to show him what she felt about him prior to that, whatever enslaving control inhibitors she had couldn’t deal with the stupid.
All of those dead men and the only things she picked up were the keys and the sword.
Makes sense to me.
Let’s be honest, would their uniforms fit on her frame?
Not really, but always better to have clothing that a little too big, rather than have no clothing at all… unless you like walking around totally nude.
In all honesty, just one of their shirts probably could fit her as a short dress. Of course, she might know where some clothing that would fit her happens to be. In that case, I could see her still wandering around nude… also the psychological advantage of distraction.
You know… forget I said anything.
As a counter point – those clothes smell of their former occupants, and were I the clone, the scent of any guy near me would be a serious “Oh gods no” sort of reaction at this particular instance.
I would have to agree, and I pose the question, considering the ease of their dispatch, shouldn’t they be red? 😀
At least she left their genitals intact!
She’s definitely going to make an effective assassin.
NOW for Chaz . . . X)
The words to my fly killing song are echoing through my head as she hums: ” I’m going to kill you, not going to thrill you. I’m a going to kill you, never going to thrill you”.
Its just the psycho in both of us.
ho boy!!!! Methinks “Tsarina Bomba” with out the lead tamper! lol
ho boy!!!! Methinks “Tsarina Bomba” with out the lead tamper! lol note, much larger boom
Nega-Evon sure is happy that she’s whistling while she works/kills. (Kudos if any get that reference.) Though what’s really scary is the la la song might be that smurf song, now that’s truely evil. (*@-@*)
When a phsyco starts singing you better run.
Told ya it wasn’t going to end well for the thugs? She did leave them more or less intact, dead but intact.
*hears Kill bill whistle*
I’m thinking the theme song to the Smurfs.
Kerli’s Walking on Air came to mind.
Is this the ‘I’ve got a brand new sword’ song?
New swords make everyone happy.
Was I the only one who heard the theme to The Banana Splits Show?
No. No you weren’t. And now that we’ve shown how old we are…
Of course, now I’ll never be able to hear the Banana Splits theme without thinking of sword wielding, bloodied, naked bears with Hoplite swords. It’s not like I wasn’t messed up enough as is…
Damn man, now I really feel old.
Actually, she’s she’s whistling and humming “Lolly Lolly Lolly Get Your Adverbs Here”. :^D
Gee, thank you, Mr. Wax. No I realize without a doubt I am old. Well played. My only consolation is to know that you, good sir, are old enough to remember that as well.
If it means anything, I’m 25 and remember plenty of School House Rock as well ^^
I imagined her humming Beethoven’s Ode To Joy.
She kills them, and then steals their weapon, nice 😀
Just like any shooter. Hope she does a spinning kill so I can call a 360 NO SCOPE lol
…cue ‘Another Way Out’ by Hollywood Undead.
in the first panel i thought she was whistling “twisted nerves” from kill bill.
Well she may have Evon’s memories, but she still is a child in an adult body.
Seems like something might have caught her eye.
Well she seem’s….happy ^_-
I found her adorable in that last panel. *seeks psychiatric help*
“Just whistle while you work”, “heigh ho, heigh ho it’s off to work I go”. Oh yeah, she’s definatly beauty & the beast all rolled up into one. Wonder how long it took her to kill all of them. Love that wicked happy smile while singing in the last panel.
for some reason, I see the Harry Potter theme…
anyone else hear the smurfs theme song here?
Ms. Britt that was just plain EVIL. [I liked it though.]
Now I have a dword.
Ho, ho, ho.
*Link music*
You got a “Guard Sword”!
Seriously, is there any point where she will where clothes?