Evon meets a doppelganger of her father and that did not end well. Let us see how she reacts to a doppelganger of her with ten times the ferocity. Anyone think the fight ends up in her castle, ending with it burning down with the clone, and/or maybe she survives?
Okay, Felvis isn’t stupid. We have to assume by that look that he gets what’s going on, here. Hopefully he’ll toss some subtle hints to Hero, at some point. Or send Areth out on busy-work.
Poor Evon. She just can’t let herself be happy. She has a castle but she can’t stop focusing her jealousy at Hero and Tits. He has done a lot for her and she needs to start relaxing and realize Hero does not sleep around or chase ladies with the big jubblies. Butfirst she needs to admit to herself that she sees Hero as more then a protector and companion. And I’m guessing this incentive is Evee once she gets cloths. Too bad, I was hoping she would be naked forever.
Jealous people sometimes do crazy things. Jealous Evon would be very dangerous to everyone.
Evon shouldn’t need to worry though. I’ve not noticed Hero staring into the cleavage that is being push up very closely towards his face. He’s pretty much retaining eye contact, despite obviously enjoying the attention.
Well, I did offer my soul last week if she put Evon in Taarla’s costume. I’ll have to see if the USPS will ship souls… that and if they require bubble wrap.
Ironic. She’s staring at her boobs while hero makes direct eye contact.
Any man worth his salt can maintain eye contact while concentrating on his peripheral vision. 😉
Evon meets a doppelganger of her father and that did not end well. Let us see how she reacts to a doppelganger of her with ten times the ferocity. Anyone think the fight ends up in her castle, ending with it burning down with the clone, and/or maybe she survives?
Tarakian, nice!
Okay, Felvis isn’t stupid. We have to assume by that look that he gets what’s going on, here. Hopefully he’ll toss some subtle hints to Hero, at some point. Or send Areth out on busy-work.
Bonzer incentive, too! 😀
Evon isn’t as well stacked as that rack…She’s just a bit intimidated by them
It’s a trap! We can’t repel jubblies of that magnitude!
Unfortunately it seems as if a green eyed Evon is as dangerous as a red glowing eyed Evee…
By the way…Ms. B? I owe you my soul.
If Evon were like the character she costplays in the incentive, Areth would be in two pieces and Hero would have a sword at his throat.
Or is Evon looking at the pendant?
Yeah whats the meaning of the pendant? Doesn’t look like just jewelry.
Poor Evon. She just can’t let herself be happy. She has a castle but she can’t stop focusing her jealousy at Hero and Tits. He has done a lot for her and she needs to start relaxing and realize Hero does not sleep around or chase ladies with the big jubblies. Butfirst she needs to admit to herself that she sees Hero as more then a protector and companion. And I’m guessing this incentive is Evee once she gets cloths. Too bad, I was hoping she would be naked forever.
Jealous people sometimes do crazy things. Jealous Evon would be very dangerous to everyone.
Evon shouldn’t need to worry though. I’ve not noticed Hero staring into the cleavage that is being push up very closely towards his face. He’s pretty much retaining eye contact, despite obviously enjoying the attention.
well someone is a bit jealous
And cleavage for the win. :]
Ms. Britt, I’m curious, what’s with the classic animated movie kick lately? [Wizards, Heavy Metal…I’m curious as to what’s next.]
Well, I did offer my soul last week if she put Evon in Taarla’s costume. I’ll have to see if the USPS will ship souls… that and if they require bubble wrap.
“Death! Death to those that oppose us!”
Yeah…been listening to the soundtrack since Monday’s update as well.
Evon, jealousy isn’t becoming of a sorceress who can defeat a sorcerer of the 16th order. Oh, wait. That wasn’t you, was it? Duh. LOL.
Ah. Size jealousy. Of course!