Volume Three, Chapter 14, Page 563
Sorry for the sporadic updates lately, I’m still making a dent in my commissions and other projects. The update schedule should get back to normal soon and there will definitely be an update on Monday (10/28)! Thanks for your patience!
Well one villain is checking out what one underling was up to and the other is whining like a little bitch. Oh yeah the guys are working well together. LOL
So basically, the Cabal are the Sith?
Pretty much, except for the “only 2” rule…which was always goofy…
You forget the Sith didn’t learn that rule until Darth Bane. Before that they would try to work together, but would in the end turn on themselves because of thir selfishness. XD
Looks at the current goings on…yeah, that fits! 😀
Waa waa waa! that’s all im hearing.
When Ferneris gets down-in-the-dumps, Freya works her sexy magic to cheer him up. Does Lanna do the same for Traveller? It was implied they enjoy many a roll in the hay!
I know this is probably coming out of left field, but…
Is it possible that Legune might have used Dark Matter to quickly age Evee in such a short amount of time? and if so, then could that be the reason why she has such an unstable personality, as well as a penchant for violent stabby-stabby murder?
That could be, or Legune being the perv that he is was also using her for his own pleasures. Like he was going to do the first time Evon was captured. And plus the second time when Nega-Evon had to service him which lead to his death. Who knows untill Brittney tells us.
Sevarian doesn’t seem to have good leadership skills. He hasn’t convinced Traveller (which has an extra “L”, just like the SF role-playing game) that the duties he’s assigning him are vital and appropriate. That resentment is going to cause problems.