Volume Two, Chapter 7, Page 294 Dec13 by BE Shepard on December 13, 2010 Chapter: Chapter Seven: The Insider
I’d take a good tavern wench over her anyday
Oh… Oh my…
Belvidier = Belvedere? I hope my pun detector is wrong on that one!
Actually, I did model him after Lynn Belvedere. 🙂 Britt just liked this spelling better for some reason. (I, sir, am a genius)
I thought u were imaginary
So… i think that Belvidier should be a lion with a “Scar” across his eye cuz that how i read his thoughs or speach.
Why? He’s not an evil usurper (although… a Jeremy Irons voice would be better than whoever played the earlier versions of Alfred {Michael Caine is cool, just think Jeremy Irons would have a better voice for this})
Is she not concerned that there’s people out to KILL Hero….let me rephrase that:
dat bitch don’t give no damn if her man gots shived!
The lines for Belvidier are perfect for the stereotypical snobby, snarky British butler.