I think I may have made that when I was 5 years old and tossed a can of Campbell’s into the BBQ… At least Hero’s bowl isn’t ess-plodie, unlike my poor can of Alphabet soup.
Believe me when I say it was rather traumatic. Couldn’t go near Campbell’s soup for years and I was convinced those little pudgy brats were the minions of Satan.
My poor childhood. ~sigh~
I probably shouldn’t be finding this funny, but the visuals of that can exploding made me laugh. Sorry dude.
And at least you were 5yrs old when you did that, you had an excuse; unlike a lot of people who do that when they’re adults. Like the idiots that try heating up beans (or chili) in the can, by just putting it on the fire; not thinking that the resultant pressure would lead to, shall we say, the catastrophic failure of the can’s hull integrity.
Or the people who try the ‘non-dairy creamer’ trick, and stand way too close to the flames when they do.
I imagine he’s eaten worse, being used to ‘life on the trail’ as it were.
Just thought I’d stop in and say ‘Hi’, and say how wonderful this comic is turning out to be. The story is coming along very well, and the artwork is improving (nice shading Brit!). Sorry I haven’t commented in quite a while, but I’m still trying to get a working computer and access to the net. I’m still voting whenever I can, though!
They did have the proper herbs, though. Of course, depending on the region they’re in, they might have access to only a few of them or none at all, so Hero’s in for a night of Intestinal Fortitude Checks. I just hope he doesn’t role a Nat 1… <.<
ok so im re reading the comic, and ive been trying to follow their travels on the map, its been fun so far! ^_^
now im a bit confused in this one tho… ok so Hero rescued Evon from evil Fernie at Garbrar and are now on their way back to Port Venturi right?
buuuuut Evon refuses to take a ship cuz she gets all woozy and they decide to walk there instead?
following on the map a trip completely on FOOT to Port Venture is almost impossible (without having to cross rivers which im assuming they are large enough that you probably need a small boat of sorts) and also a very very very very long way. might take a good few months to get there.
she probably shouldve taken the boat ride there to cut the time more than half and wouldve taken only ONE boat ride instead of possibly 5+ over those rivers.
Hmmm. A little slip in conversation there. Heheheh! Freud was right! 🙂
I think this is the first time I’ve ever heard or read the phrase “Freud was right”, and I expect it will be the last.
BTW, I hope the other readers aren’t forgeting to vote during the rest of the week, right? Let’s get Ms. B back to her rating of AWESOME!
That’s right, AN apartment. You will live together and be domestic together and like it, dammit! 😛
Does Hero have his knees over the fire, there? Better watch out his pants don’t light up, or he won’t need a teleportation spell.
Guurgle stew is an aquired taste. 🙂
I think I may have made that when I was 5 years old and tossed a can of Campbell’s into the BBQ… At least Hero’s bowl isn’t ess-plodie, unlike my poor can of Alphabet soup.
Believe me when I say it was rather traumatic. Couldn’t go near Campbell’s soup for years and I was convinced those little pudgy brats were the minions of Satan.
My poor childhood. ~sigh~
I probably shouldn’t be finding this funny, but the visuals of that can exploding made me laugh. Sorry dude.
And at least you were 5yrs old when you did that, you had an excuse; unlike a lot of people who do that when they’re adults. Like the idiots that try heating up beans (or chili) in the can, by just putting it on the fire; not thinking that the resultant pressure would lead to, shall we say, the catastrophic failure of the can’s hull integrity.
Or the people who try the ‘non-dairy creamer’ trick, and stand way too close to the flames when they do.
I have to admit, their stupidity is fun to watch…
I think the secret is in the amount of u’s you put in.
I imagine he’s eaten worse, being used to ‘life on the trail’ as it were.
Just thought I’d stop in and say ‘Hi’, and say how wonderful this comic is turning out to be. The story is coming along very well, and the artwork is improving (nice shading Brit!). Sorry I haven’t commented in quite a while, but I’m still trying to get a working computer and access to the net. I’m still voting whenever I can, though!
Ms. Britt I needed that laugh. Thank you. :]
th.. that reminds me of my mother’s cooking… please live, Hero..
to bad they didn’t have pepto bismo back then
They did have the proper herbs, though. Of course, depending on the region they’re in, they might have access to only a few of them or none at all, so Hero’s in for a night of Intestinal Fortitude Checks. I just hope he doesn’t role a Nat 1… <.<
more like lets pray he don’t have the runs and run to the tree with the burning sensation
ok so im re reading the comic, and ive been trying to follow their travels on the map, its been fun so far! ^_^
now im a bit confused in this one tho… ok so Hero rescued Evon from evil Fernie at Garbrar and are now on their way back to Port Venturi right?
buuuuut Evon refuses to take a ship cuz she gets all woozy and they decide to walk there instead?
following on the map a trip completely on FOOT to Port Venture is almost impossible (without having to cross rivers which im assuming they are large enough that you probably need a small boat of sorts) and also a very very very very long way. might take a good few months to get there.
she probably shouldve taken the boat ride there to cut the time more than half and wouldve taken only ONE boat ride instead of possibly 5+ over those rivers.
buuuuut maybe im missing something here? lol
Is stew supposed to be crunchy?