Hmmm. Evil hit-critters, arrogance…yeah. I foresee a major asswhupin’ getting ready to ess-plode all over the Blunder Twins. The nice thing is Hero and Evon can have matching coats afterwards! 😀
I foresee these two having a sudden ‘biting off more than they could chew’ moment at some point. ;3 What I’m really looking forward to, though, is when they report back to Maximus and try to explain why they couldn’t kill the ‘simple adventurer’. x3
True, but they already know Evon’s dangerous. It’s Hero that they think is harmless. They’ll be on their guard for Evon’s powers, but they’ll think that they can handle Hero fairly easily, and it’s that attitude that’ll bite them in the ass later.
Wow, if he is good enough to sense both of you, he can prolly put up a fight, too.
Hmmm. Evil hit-critters, arrogance…yeah. I foresee a major asswhupin’ getting ready to ess-plode all over the Blunder Twins. The nice thing is Hero and Evon can have matching coats afterwards! 😀
Now the fun begins.
That last panel is funny.
See the first fight in the series, Hero ain’t there to mince words, just limbs ^^
Prepare for trouble, and make it double!
Aw hell. If Team Rocket’s getting into this, this’ll be more of a comedy of errors than a battle. x3
“Team Rocket used ‘Blasting Off Again’! It was Super Effective!”
What if they’re like Team Rocket, but, y’know . . . super effective. 😛
The expression of the last pannel; “where have I heard that before?”
I foresee these two having a sudden ‘biting off more than they could chew’ moment at some point. ;3 What I’m really looking forward to, though, is when they report back to Maximus and try to explain why they couldn’t kill the ‘simple adventurer’. x3
Personally, I’m waiting for them to underestimate Evon.
I have to agree. They can only hit that button one time too many before she goes mage-nuke, then it’s Katie bar the door.
True, but they already know Evon’s dangerous. It’s Hero that they think is harmless. They’ll be on their guard for Evon’s powers, but they’ll think that they can handle Hero fairly easily, and it’s that attitude that’ll bite them in the ass later.