A little bit of news to share today about the future of Evon and other projects (don’t panic, there’s no bad news :-)).
As of Wednesday, I had my last class of my college career and June 9th is my graduation. I have to say that I am more than a little excited to be graduating. It seems like the last four years (five years if I count the year I took off from school) have gone by so fast! At the same time, I never quite imagined waking up in the morning and not having to rush off for school, It is a strange feeling 😀
This also brings up the challenge of what the heck am I going to do now. One of the obvious answers would be to find a full time job, but that is much easier said than done. I have been filling out job applications for the pass month and have not heard back for any of them. I know the job market is tight right now (even more so in the creative fields), but my hope is that something will come through that does not require me to continue to clean toilets :-p
Now, you may be wondering what my plans are for Evon and all my other art projects. Very soon (at the latest by mid June) I plan on updating Evon twice a week (probably Mondays and Fridays). As soon as I’m ready to start increasing the updates I will announce when it will start so keep your eyes open 🙂
Mr. Wax and I are also in the process of working on a second comic. Right now we are developing the character designs. Later we will shape up the world a little better and work on story script and outline. I won’t reveal too many details, but I will say that the title of it right now is ArchAngel 🙂
Also, next week I will be opening up commissions again. I worked on writing up a terms of service agreement as well as new commission prices. These are prices that I believe are fair and offers me a chance to try and turn it into a career.
On one final note, there is a new incentive up today, this time is a wallpaper of Evon. I’ve also decided to make a series of wallpapers for each character. And don’t worry if you happen to miss one, I plan on posting them up in the “Extras” page as I finish them 🙂
Have a good weekend!
now youve gone and pissed her off.
Evon uses ‘Fwoom Beam’…
Yay! Congratulations for Ms. B!!!! Hopefully you can find a job that you like and not one that’s barely tolerated. Way to go on graduating, though. You make all of us very proud! 😀
Sounds like the comic is turning into a win-win situation Ms. Britt.
I’ll keep my fingers crossed that you find something.
well THAT incentive suddenly took over my desktop. also yay all the good news!
Congrats, Miss Britt! 😀 Hopefully you can find something befitting your awesome talents. You know we’re all rooting for you.
Girl needs to work on her aim.
Is that a WTF look on wolfie’s face?