Volume Two, Chapter 10, Page 458 Aug24 by BE Shepard on August 24, 2012 Chapter: Chapter Ten: The Twins Todays incentive is a little something I called Somewhere Only We Know 🙂 Have a good weekend
Holy smokes little Evon! Dang were getting lots of twists!
Eeep. Now WHO is this…!?
Great incentive image: very romantic.
Evon clone! Booyah! Love the red eyes. Very creepy. 😀
And that incentive is killer. Very sweet and romantic.
That… is just… creepy…
My hope is that Evon and Hero manage to get to her before she becomes the ultimate evil.
Oh crap… I think I just spoiled the ending!
Oh turst me, It is much, *much* more strange than that. (Insert Shadow laugh here)
Mr. Wax, you are getting our hopes up again. I hope you can pull it off…
I remember last time…still have the triceratops horn.
Ok Doc, now you’ve done it. I didn’t think you could possibly be creepier…. now you must die.
Wow! Didn’t see this coming, but i think i see where this might be goin..
whoa whoa whoa.. wait a minute… where did lil Evon come from?
There was not enough time to produce offspring…
Nice twist of plot though…
oh hell can things get any worse for those two
Wow! Looks like his little project went quite well.
If you consider how old the child looks, his project not only produced a copy already. But it’s already at an age that it can listen to instructions.
Something tells me that Evon might be dilling with doppelgangers of herself in the not to distant future.
:O If recent cloning attempts are anything to go by, she’ll most likely die before she reaches her teens.
Da-yum, that clone grew fast. It should still be an infant. That’s some STRONG growth hormone.