Volume Two, Chapter 8, Page 359
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There are only a few days left to pre-order your copy of The Meeting, don’t miss out on a great sale before the book is sold to the general public 🙂
Following this link to the KickStarter site to pre-order.
Dun dun dun.
Me thinks cleo is about to try bitching at hero for going after evon and hero telling cleo to f-off.
Also woot first post
a) That’s my read on how this will go.
b) That seems to be everyone’s read on how this will go.
c) Mr. Wax reads these….That’s so not how this will go…
Actually, these are writen many months (so of it years) in advance, so it doesn’t change much no mater what comments we see.
That only proves that you are highly prescient on a very limited scope! Like Future Diaries, you only know what comments would be made…
Perfect timing, omg I can’t wait!! I so love this comic.
*Awaits snarky remark from Cleo*
*Awaits fantastic comeback from Hero*
Hero won’t waste time on comebacks he’ll silently listen to Cloe then walk on his way.
I expect, at this point, if Cleo comes out with a snide remark (which is highly probable) Hero will just give her an icy glare and walk away.
Which is too bad, since I was looking forward to him telling Cleo to basically go fuck a blender.
no, an eggbeater would work so much better. just make sure its edges are sharp, and the rest of it is rusty. mwuhahahahahaha
I imagine Hero will let her ranting fall on deaf ears, or with pragmatic responses, up to a point. If she crosses the line, he’ll say or do something that’ll shut her down completely. That’s the kind of guy he is.
Oh hey are those servants some of the cameos you had going? 🙂
Actually no, they’re not, but I might do another call for cameos when I need to have some background characters again 🙂
you didn’t even finish the first round. x3