Told ya. Belvidier can turn any household item into a +3 weapon! It’s always amusing to watch the arrogant get laid low by the smallest and most ignominious of items. 😀
Jolly good fun, Ms. B & Mr. Wax!
In the hands of Belvidier a simple eating utensil turns into “The Fork of Doom”. Of course, Sade could have walked away unscathed had he just swallowed his pride and told Belvidier everything he knew.
Thanks, Charvale! I have a whole slew of things I need to make in the forge now! ‘The Fork of Doom’, ‘The Battle Spatula’ and just for grins I’ll have to figure out a way to make ‘The Soup Cauldron of Chaos’! 😀
I used to be active in a medieval history group and one of our events was “The Barons Breakfast”. The plot was The Barons were getting tired of constantly fighting each other so they decided to get together at a breakfast feast to negotiate. To keep the peace at the breakfast, the attendees were only allowed to enter the hall with eating utensils. At some point one baron would insult another and the fighting would start.
It was a riot. Some of the spectators laughed so hard they got sick. The cooking and serving utensils, as well as the food (in one case a foam rubber ham) became weapons.
@Estoc: I’d say that’s a +3 Masterwork Mithril Fork of Inquisition at the very least, there.
I can’t help but laugh at the drunk bunny guy falling flat on his face. x3 I don”t know why, but that fact just adds so much hilarity to the page. I love it.
If it was me, it’d be a very tender spot that Sade prizes very much…
Told ya. Belvidier can turn any household item into a +3 weapon! It’s always amusing to watch the arrogant get laid low by the smallest and most ignominious of items. 😀
Jolly good fun, Ms. B & Mr. Wax!
@Estoc +3? I think he just took it substantially farther than that.
Nah. +3 is fine. Then you have to factor in skill and the will to use it! Especially when dealing with a hack.
In the hands of Belvidier a simple eating utensil turns into “The Fork of Doom”. Of course, Sade could have walked away unscathed had he just swallowed his pride and told Belvidier everything he knew.
Thanks, Charvale! I have a whole slew of things I need to make in the forge now! ‘The Fork of Doom’, ‘The Battle Spatula’ and just for grins I’ll have to figure out a way to make ‘The Soup Cauldron of Chaos’! 😀
Um… didn’t someone in an anime have the battle spatula? I’m sure I saw it in Ranma 1/2 or something like that.
They did? Crap! That’s what I get for not watching anime that isn’t Robotech. What about a ‘Spoon-a-pult’?
I used to be active in a medieval history group and one of our events was “The Barons Breakfast”. The plot was The Barons were getting tired of constantly fighting each other so they decided to get together at a breakfast feast to negotiate. To keep the peace at the breakfast, the attendees were only allowed to enter the hall with eating utensils. At some point one baron would insult another and the fighting would start.
It was a riot. Some of the spectators laughed so hard they got sick. The cooking and serving utensils, as well as the food (in one case a foam rubber ham) became weapons.
I imagine he’ll be changing his name to Masoch after this
I love how the scream has enough force to blow over drunkards. Also, the guy in the foreground has some pretty extreme neck-rotation. 😀
I think he is like Alfred from Batman. He is kinda docile and cool but mess with him and he will kick your ass.
@Estoc: I’d say that’s a +3 Masterwork Mithril Fork of Inquisition at the very least, there.
I can’t help but laugh at the drunk bunny guy falling flat on his face. x3 I don”t know why, but that fact just adds so much hilarity to the page. I love it.
Iknowright? 😀
Yeah…now, where did I put that Mithril…
Sounds like Bevidier got a wrong answer. I’m glad it Alex Trebek as host of “Jeopardy”, instead of Bevidier. Aren’t you?