Where’s the albino and the wheelbarrow? There’s supposed to be an albino and a wheelbarrow in this scene!
This looks as if it will be chock full of awesomeness.
While most people would believe this not to end badly I feel the need to remind you of a select group of people who would be getting rather turned on by this. It is to them I speek the traditional greeting. Sticks and stones can break my bones but whips and chains excite me. Thank you Ms. Britt for the wonderful comics you draw.
This does not bode well for Evon. Hero’s going the wrong way, probably for some time, she’s been captured by someone with knowledge of creating brutal monsters that can wipe out entire squads of dangerous mages and thugs, and she’s shackled in what looks like either a torture chamber or an alchemical lab. Probably both.
And she’s naked. That’s never a good thing in such a situation.
Well, for her. For us . . . that’s nice. 😀 What with this and the Lanna incentive, we’re definitely getting a wonderful dose of sexy.
still, for being bashed in the head, slashed, whipped, tied up, knocked out, dragged off, denuded and shackled,,, she looks really good! they’re obviously taking very good care of her- even got her a new choker! … er.. hmm.. yeah close enough =^^=
Wow, I think I’m getting a cavity from all the cheesecake I’m getting from this comic. x3 Not that I mind, of course.
I really hope Hero realizes where Evon is before things get too out of control. I can already imagine so many bad things happening, none of them I want to see happen here. <.< True, they'd be great story lines and plot twists- and they could make the comic run on a lot longer, which is always a plus for fans- but none of them are things I want to happen to Evon. Even though they all have happy endings (I'm a romantic, shut up. <.<), I still don't relish seeing them happening.
Okay, I know this may sound silly with a necked Evon hagging there, but that mad scientist lab just rocks! 😀
Woah! Color and nekkieness! This scientist dude has got to be awesome!
Ms. Britt, is that a magic restrictive collar around her neck?
That is indeed a drap, meant to cut off her magic 🙂
Perhaps it is a magic restrictive collar; but do these jackasses know how magically strong she REALLY is?
Good eyes, Bubbleclaw.
I like the cool castle and all but I got to hand it to Evon she has a hot body!!!
Where’s the albino and the wheelbarrow? There’s supposed to be an albino and a wheelbarrow in this scene!
This looks as if it will be chock full of awesomeness.
Yeah, I agree, that looks totally like the life-draining torture machine from “The Princess Brides”
“The Princess ‘Brides'”?
While most people would believe this not to end badly I feel the need to remind you of a select group of people who would be getting rather turned on by this. It is to them I speek the traditional greeting. Sticks and stones can break my bones but whips and chains excite me. Thank you Ms. Britt for the wonderful comics you draw.
I have a wide array of thoughts about this…like maybe I should have had this put on a mug >.>
This does not bode well for Evon. Hero’s going the wrong way, probably for some time, she’s been captured by someone with knowledge of creating brutal monsters that can wipe out entire squads of dangerous mages and thugs, and she’s shackled in what looks like either a torture chamber or an alchemical lab. Probably both.
And she’s naked. That’s never a good thing in such a situation.
Well, for her. For us . . . that’s nice. 😀 What with this and the Lanna incentive, we’re definitely getting a wonderful dose of sexy.
still, for being bashed in the head, slashed, whipped, tied up, knocked out, dragged off, denuded and shackled,,, she looks really good! they’re obviously taking very good care of her- even got her a new choker! … er.. hmm.. yeah close enough =^^=
Wow, I think I’m getting a cavity from all the cheesecake I’m getting from this comic. x3 Not that I mind, of course.
I really hope Hero realizes where Evon is before things get too out of control. I can already imagine so many bad things happening, none of them I want to see happen here. <.< True, they'd be great story lines and plot twists- and they could make the comic run on a lot longer, which is always a plus for fans- but none of them are things I want to happen to Evon. Even though they all have happy endings (I'm a romantic, shut up. <.<), I still don't relish seeing them happening.
what O.o can I say about this page but 8(),,,
Why is Evon not furry? Apart from just a few tufts (on her elbow, hip, lower legs) she looks like a tanned human (wearing Ronald Rodent ears)
This is either the end of a really good night, or the start of a really bad day.